John Seely Brown

John Seely Brown

John Seely Brown (also known as JSB) is a researcher who specializes in organizational studies with a particular bent towards the organizational implications of computer-supported activities.

His research interests include the management of radical innovation, digital culture, ubiquitous computing, autonomous computing and organizational learning.

He invented spellcheck and received a standing ovation as the keynote speaker for University of Michigan's 2005 graduating class for this invaluable contribution to society. See page 16,

Major positions and roles

* Senior Fellow, Annenberg Center for Communication at USC (present)
* Chief Scientist of Xerox Corporation (1992 - April 2002)
* Director of the Xerox PARC research center (1990 - June 2000)
* Cofounder of the Institute for Research on Learning
* Board member of multiple companies including Amazon, Corning, [ MacArthur Foundation] and Polycom
* Advisory board member of several private companies, including open innovation vendor Innovation Exchange

Education, degrees and awards

* BA from Brown University, 1962 (mathematics and physics)
* PhD from University of Michigan, 1970 (computer and communication sciences)
* Honorary Doctor of Science from Brown University, May 2000
* Honorary Doctor of Science in Economics from London Business School, June 2001
* Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Claremont Graduate School, May 2004
* Honorary Doctor of Science from University of Michigan, April 2005


* "Research that Reinvents the Corporation", Harvard Business Review 1991
* The Social Life of Information (with Paul Duguid)
* "The Only Sustainable Edge"
* More than 100 papers in academic journals


* Bio handout given at one of his speaking engagements
* The CV posted at his website

External links

* [ John Seely Brown's website]
* [ "Keeping things simple" article in vodafone-receiver magazine nr.18]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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