- Zinc finger protein
A zinc finger protein is a DNA-binding protein domain comprised of
zinc finger s ranging from two in the "Drosophila " regulatorADR1 , the more common three in mammalianSp1 up to nine in TFIIIA. They occur in nature as the part oftranscription factor s conferring DNA sequence specificity as theDNA-binding domain .They have also found use in
protein engineering due to their modularity and have prospects as components of tools for use intherapeutic gene modulation [Gommans, W. M., H. J. Haisma and M. G. Rots (2005). [http://www.rug.nl/farmacie/onderzoek/basiseenheden/therapeuticgenemodulation/publicaties/publicaties2004/!find?path=/farmacie/onderzoek/basisEenheden/THErapeuticGeneModulation/publicaties/publicaties2004/2005_6.pdf¶ms=as=pdf "Engineering zinc finger protein transcription factors: the therapeutic relevance of switching endogenous gene expression on or off at command."] Journal of Molecular Biology 354(3): 507-19.] andzinc finger nucleases . [cite journal | author = Durai S, Mani M, Kandavelou K, Wu J, Porteus M, Chandrasegaran S | title = Zinc finger nucleases: custom-designed molecular scissors for genome engineering of plant and mammalian cells | journal = Nucleic Acids Res | volume = 33 | issue = 18 | pages = 5978–90 | year = 2005 | pmid = 16251401 | url = http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/33/18/5978 | doi = 10.1093/nar/gki912 ]ee also
Zinc finger chimera - an exploitation of zinc fingers inprotein engineering
*Zinc finger nuclease
*Zinc finger inhibitor
*Zinc finger
*DNA-binding domains References
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