Franz Hofer

Franz Hofer

Franz Hofer (November 27 1902 in Bad Hofgastein – February 18 1975 in Mülheim an der Ruhr) was, in the time of the Third Reich, the Nazi Gauleiter of the Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

Born to a Bad Hofgastein hotelkeeper, Hofer went to the Volksschule-Realschule in Innsbruck and in 1922 began a career as a freelance salesman. In September 1931, he joined the NSDAP. He very quickly rose in the Party, becoming District Leader in April 1932, and in July of the same year acting Gauleiter of the Tyrol. Only four months later, on 27 November 1932Hofer's thirtieth birthdayhe was promoted to Gauleiter of the Tyrol.

For his activities in the Nazi Party, which was banned in Austria, Hofer was arrested in June 1933 and sentenced by a Tyrolean court to two years in prison. On 30 August 1933, however, four armed SA men broke into Hofer's prison cell by force and freed him. He fled the prison amid gunfire, which wounded him. He made it to Italy, however, and only a few weeks later gave a speech at the Nuremberg Party Congress from his stretcher.

In early 1937Hofer had by now recovered from his gunshot woundshe became leader of the "Leaders' and Members' Political Gathering Place for Austrians in Germany", with a job in Berlin.

After Anschluss, he was once again appointed the Gauleiter of the Tyrol and Vorarlberg. In the same year, he was given the function of ministerial adviser and the rank of NSKK Obergruppenführer. On 1 September 1940 he was furthermore made the governor ("Reichsstatthalter") of the "Reichsgau] " of Tyrol-Vorarlberg.

After Italy forsook the Axis Powers, Hofer was chosen on 10 September 1943 to be the Supreme Commissar in the Operation Zone of the Alpine Foothills (consisting of the neighbouring Italian provinces of Belluno, Bolzano-Bozen and Trento joined to his own Reichsgau of Tyrol-Vorarlberg).

In November 1944, Hofer suggested in a memorandum to Adolf Hitler that an "Alpenfestung" ("Alp Fortress") ought to be built up in the heart of the Alps as Nazi Germany's last bastion. Apparently Hitler's secretary Martin Bormann only brought this document to the Führer's attention early the next year, leading to Hofer's being called to Hitler's Berlin bunker only on 12 April 1945 to present his proposal. Hitler18 days before his own suicide and still convinced that his "Endsieg" was possibleapproved Hofer's plan and appointed him Reich Defence Commissar of the "Alpenfestung".

It was not long, however, before Hofer's freedom was curtailed. On 6 May 1945, he was arrested by the United States Army in Hall in Tirol and held in an internment camp. In 1948, he managed to flee to Germany, where he continued his former trade as a salesman in Mülheim, in the end under his true name.

In Austria, Hofer was sentenced "in absentia" in June 1949 to death. In July 1953, a Munich appeal court upheld a sentence of 3 years and 5 months in labour prison. When interviewed by the press during this time, Hofer made it known that his National Socialist convictions were unbroken.

In 1964, a lawsuit brought by Hofer's children for the return of ownership of the "Lachhof bei Hall" where their father had lived while he was the Gauleiter, was dismissed by an Austrian court.

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