

Buno is a system of Filipino wrestling like Dumog.There are various Buno styles, one of which is Harimaw Buno.Harimaw Buno, formerly Harimaw Lumad (King of Tiger Wrestling), is a style of Buno used by the Mangyans of Mindoro and the Aetas of Infanta, Quezon. [http://www.garimot.com/system/buno-intro.htm Harimaw Buno] ]

Although Buno usually use standing throws, control locks, joint manipulation, striking, take-downs and ground wrestling techniques [http://www.filipinofightingartsintl.com/Publications/martial_arts/fma_books.html Books About Filipino Martial Arts You Should Have In Your Library] ] , the martial artist can also use weapons. Weapons that the practitioner can use are knives, spears and bow and arrows. However, the main weapon used is the "lubid" or a four-feet long rope.

Since this martial art was developed by indigenous Filipino tribes, Buno has a number of unorthodox training methods. Training utilizes mud training, canoe training, tamaraw wrestling, log training and tree climbing.

The term "buno" is also used in Filipino to describe people killing each other since it means "to kill" or "to throw" in Tagalog. [ [http://www.bohol.ph/diksyunaryo.php?sw=buno&lang=Cebuano&sid=d5582b9f50a02b808066f22d239538bb Philippine Online Dictionary] ]


Other External Links

[http://www.tipunan.com/Publications/martial_arts/harimaw-buno.html The Tipunan Group] [http://www.kali-silat.com NorthStorm

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