VSA may stand for:

* Vegetarian Student Association
* IATA airport code for Carlos Rovirosa Pérez International Airport in Mexico
* Vacuum Society of Australia
* van der Waals surface area
* Vancouver Soaring Association
* Vancouver Society of Astrologers
* Vassar Student Association
* Vector signal analyzer
* Vegan Society of Australia
* Vegetarian Society of Alabama
* Vehicle Stability Assist
* Vendor Security Analyst
* Vendor Specific Attribute
* Very Small Array
* Very Special Arts
* Veterans for a Secure America
* Victim Support Australasia
* Victorian Society in America
* Victorian Speleological Association Inc.
* Vietnamese Student Association (multiple)
* The Violin Society of America
* Virginia Society of Anesthesiologists
* Virginia, South Carolina and Alabama (see Territory band)
* Virtual Storage Architecture
* Virtual Subsystem Architecture (see MediaGX)
* Visual Studio for Applications (Microsoft)
* Vital Signs Absent
* Vojna sigurnosna agencija
* Voice stress analysis
* Voltaire Society of America
* Voltage Security Assessment
* Voltage stability analysis
* Voluntary Service Aberdeen
* Volunteer Service Abroad (New Zealand
* Volumetric structural analysis
* Volumetric subtraction angiography
* Volvo Sports America

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