

The Gitga'at are an indigenous people of the Americas, found mainly in Canada.

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  • Gitga'ata — The Gitga ata (sometimes also spelled Gitga at or Gitk a ata) are one of the 14 tribes of the Tsimshian First Nation in British Columbia, Canada, and inhabit the village of Hartley Bay, British Columbia. The name Gitga ata in the Tsimshian… …   Wikipedia

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  • Heber Clifton — (1870s? January 1, 1964) was an hereditary chief of the Gitga ata tribe of the Tsimshian nation of British Columbia, Canada. He was from the Tsimshian community of Hartley Bay, B.C. He was of the Gispwudwada or Killerwhale clan.As a child he… …   Wikipedia

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