

name = "Gehyra"

image_caption = Halmahera Gecko, "Gehyra vorax"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Reptilia
ordo = Squamata
familia = Gekkonidae
subfamilia = Gekkoninae
genus = "Gehyra"
genus_authority = Gray, 1834

"Gehyra" is a genus of geckos known commonly as Web-toed Geckos or Dtellas. Dtellas are a moderately sized species of gecko, highly variable in color and pattern. Dtella species have a wide range of habitat, covering most of the Oceania and Melanesian Islands up to Ryukyu Islands and Thailand.

"Gehyra" species have toepads and powerful claws. Like some other geckos they also have a tendency to drop strips of skin if handled carelessly.


*Narrow-tailed Four-clawed Gecko, "Gehyra angusticaudata"
*Top-end Dtella, "Gehyra australis"
*Short-tailed Dtella, "Gehyra baliola"
*Banda Island Dtella, "Gehyra barea"
*Borroloola Dtella, "Gehyra borroloola"
*Palau Island Dtella, "Gehyra brevipalmata"
*Butler's Dtella, "Gehyra butleri"
*Chain-backed Dtella, "Gehyra catenata"
*Dubious Dtella, "Gehyra dubia"
*Fehlmann's Dtella, "Gehyra fehlmanni"
*Pilbara Spotted Gecko, "Gehyra fenestra"
*Ryukyu Dtella, "Gehyra intermedia"
*Oudeman's Dtella, "Gehyra interstitialis"
*Kimberley Dtella, "Gehyra kimberleyi"
*Banded Rock Dtella, "Gehyra koira"
*Lacerated Dtella, "Gehyra lacerata"
*lrian Jaya Dtella, "Gehyra lampei"
*Leopold Dtella, "Gehyra leopoldi"
*Moluccan Gecko, "Gehyra marginata"
*Port Moresby Dtella, "Gehyra membranacruralis"
*Dwarf Dtella, "Gehyra minuta"
*Centralian Dtella, "Gehyra montium"
*Stump-tailed Gecko, "Gehyra mutilata"
*Northern Spotted Rock Dtella, "Gehyra nana"
*Kimberley Plateau Dtella, "Gehyra occidentalis"
*Pacific Dtella, "Gehyra oceanica"
*Arnhemland Watercourse Dtella, "Gehyra pamela"
*Papua Dtella, "Gehyra papuana"
*Pilbara Dtella, "Gehyra pilbara"
*Spotted Dtella, "Gehyra punctata"
*Purplish Dtella, "Gehyra purpurascens"
*Robust Dtella, "Gehyra robusta"
*Tree Dtella, "Gehyra variegata"
**"Gehyra variegata ogasawarisimae"
**"Gehyra variegata variegata"
*Halmahera Giant Gecko, "Gehyra vorax" (Formerly Geckko Vorax)
*Crocodile-faced Dtella, "Gehyra xenopus"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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