BCD is an acronym with multiple meanings, including:
* Bad Conduct Discharge, a form of discharge from US military service
* Bachelor of Community Design, a three year university degree offered at Dalhousie University
* Barrels per calendar day, a unit for measuring output of oil refineries
* Beirut Central District, a neighborhood in downtown Beirut
* Binary-coded decimal, numbering
* Birth Control Device, contraceptive or slang for military issued goggles
* Board-certified diplomat, a professional credential
* Bolt Circle Diameter used in manufacturing drawings
* Boot Configuration Data, a computing term for the boot loader of Windows Vista
* The Brainchild Design, website
* The British Columbia Dragoons, a Canadian Forces armoured regiment based in Kelowna and Vernon, British Columbia
* Buoyancy control device used in scuba diving
* Zero-power Bi-stable Cholesteric Display
* Behind Closed Doors, something done or said in private.
* A blue compact dwarf galaxy.
* Bacolod-Silay City International Airport in Bacolod City, the Philippines (IATA: BCD, ICAO: RPVB)

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  • BCD — I. noun Etymology: binary coded decimal Date: circa 1962 a system of writing numbers in which each decimal digit is represented by its 4 digit binary equivalent < 51 in BCD is 0101 0001 > II. abbreviation bad conduct discharge …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • BCD — n. Computing a code representing decimal numbers as a string of binary digits. Etymology: abbr. for binary coded decimal * * * I. abbreviation bad conduct discharge II. ˌbē(ˌ)sēˈdē noun ( s) Etymology: binary …   Useful english dictionary

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