XM1111 Mid-Range Munition

XM1111 Mid-Range Munition

The XM1111 Mid-Range Munition (MRM) is a developmental 120 mm precision guided munition for use by the Rheinmetall 120mm Gun (known as the "M256" in the US Military) found on several tanks of western designs. It is also intended to fulfill a requirement for Future Combat Systems for a long range, Beyond Line of Sight tank munition.


Two contracts were awarded in a competition to validate the requirement, one for a kinetic energy penetrator round (MRM-KE) and one for a chemical energy warhead round (MRM-CE).

In December 2007, the Raytheon CE based concept was awarded the SDD contract to develop the tactical projectile.


Infobox Weapon

type=Dual use, B-LOS and LOS tank fired munition
manufacturer=Alliant Techsystems
service=Currently in testing
engine=High performance, directed rocket motor and impulse thrusters
speed=approx. 1700m/s (at launch)
vehicle_range=12.1 km (7.5 mi)
filling=Long-Rod kinetic energy penetrator
guidance=Semi-active laser and millimeter wave seeker
launch_platform=M1 Abrams
Mounted Combat System

The MRM-KE (Mid-Range Munition - Kinetic Energy) is an implementation of the MRM under development by Alliant Techsystems, Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems and HR Textron. [http://atk.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=press_releases&item=728 ATK Forms 'Team MRM' to Compete for the U.S. Army's XM1111 Mid-Range Munition Program - ATK PR] ]


The missile/projectile is designed to be used as a high velocity penetrator at both line of sight, and beyond line of sight (BLOS). In line of sight, it would operate using laser guidance or a millimeter wave seeker. In BLOS, the shell would be fired in a ballistic arc, and would seek out its own targets.

The missile uses a kinetic energy penetrator to penetrate enemy armor. This effect is further enhanced by a rocket motor which propels the munition to a much higher velocity before impact. For maneuvering, the missile relies on impulse thrusters.

MRM-KE uses technology developed as part of the X-Rod and XM1007 Tank Extended Range Munition (TERM) programs, both of which have since been cancelled. [ [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/x-rod.htm X-ROD - Global Security] ] [ [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/term.htm XM1007 Tank Extended Range Munition (TERM) - Global Security] ]

Program status

* April 2004 - Successful test firing of the system. [ [http://www.spacedaily.com/news/missiles-04l.html ATK'S MRM-KE Autonomously Searched, Guided And Hit Tank] ]
* May 2006 - Successful high Mach flight maneuver test at Yuma Proving Grounds. [ [http://www.deagel.com/news2/atk-achieves-success-in-mrm-ke-test_ns000249dp.aspx ATK Achieves Success in MRM-KE Test - Deagel] ]
* July 2007 - ATK Forms 'Team MRM' to compete for the U.S. Army's XM1111 Mid-Range Munition Program.


The missile/projectile is designed to be used as a high velocity multiple mission projectile at both line of sight, and beyond line of sight (BLOS). In line of sight, it would operate using laser guidance or an uncooled imaging infrared seeker (IIR). In BLOS, the shell would be fired in a ballistic arc, and would glide to seek out its own targets.

The missile uses a multiple purpose shaped charged warhead to penetrate enemy armor. This warhead allows multiple target types to be effectively engaged.

MRM-CE refines seeker technology developed as part of the XM1007 Tank Extended Range Munition (TERM) program.


* Warhead: Shaped charge HEAT.
* Guidance: Dual-mode Semi-active laser/imaging infrared. [http://www.defense-update.com/products/digits/120MRM.htm MRM KE / CE 120mm - Defense Update] ]

Program status

* September 2006 - A U.S. M1 tank fired an MRM-CE round which hit a moving T-72 tank at a range of 8,600 meters. [ [http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htarm/articles/20060929.aspx M-1 Gets 8,600 Meter Kill - Strategy Page] ]
* March 2007 - Successful test firing using dual-mode seeker fusion.
* December 2007 - Raytheon Wins Army XM-1111 Development Contract.


External links

* [http://www.theengineer.co.uk/Articles/300718/More+ammo+for+US+Army.htm More ammo for US Army - The Engineer Online]
* [http://www.deagel.com/pandora/mid-range-munition_mn00033001.aspx MRM - Deagel]
* [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/mrm.htm MRM - Global Security]
* [http://www.raytheon.com/feature/pgp/ Missile Systems - Precision Guided Projectiles - Raytheon]

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