

Plantiac is a 35% proof alcoholic drink, deep brown of colour. It is a kind of Dutch brandy (in Dutch: "Vieux"). It can be drunk pure or as part of a mix. It was first made in Bolsward (in The Netherlands) in 1870. Its inventor, Klaas Plantinga, first mixed its ingredients in his house next to the bakery where his wife Ytje worked. That house was the distillery for a long time to come. Since 1972, it has been been produced by the UTO company in Schiedam, the Netherlands. For the past decade or so, Plantiac is being bottled about once per month.Plantiac originally used to be called "Plantinga Cognac" (Cognac is French brandy from the province of the same name). After the war, in the late '40s, a law was introduced that made it illegal to name a product 'cognac' unless it was actually made in that area. Klaas' greatgrandchild, Gerrit-Herman (Herman) Plantinga, thought up the name Plantiac with some student friends of his. It is a combination of the family name (Planti-) and 'cognac' (-ac).The Vieux aromas used by the UTO company are purchased from Quest International and IFF. Although the exact ingredients are kept secret - they are what makes each Vieux unique - they include fusel oil, amyl alcohols, vanilline, esters, 'blokdrop' (which may translate to 'block liquorice') and prune extract.

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