- Pygopodidae
image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Pygopus lepidopodus",fromBrehms Tierleben , (1892)
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Reptilia
ordo =Squamata
subordo =Scleroglossa
infraordo =Gekkota
familia = PygopodidaeThe Pygopodidae, or "flap-foots"', are a family of legless lizards related to thegecko s. They have unusually long, slender, bodies, giving them a strong resemblance tosnake s. Like both snakes and most geckos, they have no eyelids, but unlike snakes, they have external ear-holes and flat, non-forked tonguescite book |editor=Cogger, H.G. & Zweifel, R.G.|author= Bauer, Aaron M.|year=1998|title=Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians|publisher= Academic Press|location=San Diego|pages= 150-152|isbn= 0-12-178560-2] . They are native toAustralia andNew Guinea .Flap-foots have no fore-limbs at all, but they do possess vestigial hind limbs in the form of small, flattened, flaps. These may have some role in courtship and defensive behaviour, and may even aid in locomotion through vegetation. Some species are insectivorous burrowing animals, but others are adapted to moving through dense
spinifex or other vegetation. Flap-foots lay two eggs in each clutch.Classification
* SubfamilyPygopodinae
** GenusParadelma
** GenusPygopus
** GenusDelma * Subfamily
** Tribus Lialisini
*** GenusLialis
** Tribus Aprasiaini
*** Subtribus Pletholaxini
**** GenusPletholax
*** Subtribus Aprasiaini
**** GenusOphidiocephalus
**** GenusAprasia References
ee also
Limbless vertebrates
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