

company_name = S.A.
company_type = Public (Euronext AMS: [,5372,1732_6834,00.html?selectedMep=2&idInstrument=13630&isinCode=NL0000395887 WKL] )
foundation = 1985
company_slogan = The online community of transport and logistics professionals
location = Brussels, Belgium
key_people = Raimundo Diaz, CEO
products = Spot Freight Solutions, the original Online Freight Exchange
homepage = []
industry = Freight Exchange
num_employees = approx 150
revenue = S.A., a Wolters Kluwer business, is a leading pan-European provider of electronic services and innovative solutions for the transport and logistics industry. Founded in 1985 as an online freight exchange, Teleroute today delivers collaborative solutions for the transport and logistics community, enabling companies to increase profit and excel in operations. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, Teleroute has operations in 25 European countries and employs approximately 150 people.With pver 60,000 companies in 25 countries and 150,000 loads posted per day it covers domestic and European needs.

External links

* [ Teleroute company website]
* [ Wolters Kluwer company website]

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