- Holger Danske
Ogier the Dane (Danish: Holger Danske, French: Ogier de Danemarche) is a
legendary Danishhero who first appears in anOld French "chanson de geste ", in the cycle of poems "Geste deDoon de Mayence ". Though the character is called "the Dane" in later works, it is possible that Danemarche originally signified the marches of theArdennes and not Denmark.According to his
legend , he was the son of Geoffrey (the historicalGudfred ), king ofDenmark . In "La Chevalerie Ogier de Danemarche", he had a son who was slain byCharlot , son ofCharlemagne . Seekingrevenge , Ogier sought out and slew Charlot, and was only barely prevented from killing Charlemagne. He resisted Charlemagne for seven years but made peace with him to fight at Charlemagne's side against theSaracen s, in which battle he slew the giantBrehus .Ogier the Dane had a sword named
Curtana which, according to legend, bore the inscription "My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper asJoyeuse andDurendal ."There may be a dim flicker of
history in the tale. Danish sources reveal that in around800 , while Charlemagne's empire was at its peak, a Danish king named Godfred or Godfrid made successful war against Frankish expansion intoFrisia andSchleswig for many years. After a long stalemate, peace was declared between the two rulers.Like
Frederick Barbarossa ,Saint Wenceslas andKing Arthur , in Danish legend Ogier becomes aking in the mountain ; he is said to dwell in the castle ofKronborg , his beard grown down to the floor, and to sleep there until some date when Denmark is in mortal danger, at which time he will rise up and deliver the nation. In some versions, Morgue le Faye (commonly known today asMorgan le Fay ) takes him toAvalon , from where he returns after two hundred years to saveFrance . According to the tour guides of Kronborg Castle, legend has it that Holger sat down in his present location after walking all the way from his complete battles in France.Poul Anderson 'sfantasy novel "Three Hearts and Three Lions " (ISBN 0-671-72186-0) (1961) draws upon these legends and also alters them. Itsprotagonist Holger Carlsen (a Danish resistance fighter) is transported to a fantasy alternate history where theMatter of France is historical. He eventually learns that he is Ogier the Dane, sent to our universe to remove him from the conflict between humans andFaerie in that one.In the
catacombs beneath theKronborg castle inHelsingør , there is a statue of Holger Danske (Ogier the Dane). According to folklore the statue will come alive when Denmark is in great danger, and Holger Danske will save the country.
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