Françoise Giroud

Françoise Giroud

Françoise Giroud, born France Gourdji (September 21, 1916 in Lausanne, Switzerland and not in Geneva as often written - January 19, 2003 in Neuilly-sur-Seine) was a French journalist, screenwriter, writer and politician. She was a co-founder of the French newsmagazine "L'Express" and held ministerial responsibilities from 1974 to 1977 in the cabinets of Jacques Chirac and Raymond Barre. During the 1977 municipal elections, she was verbally attacked by the press for having usurped the "médaille de la Résistance" (medal of Resistance), which had been granted to her sister, deported to Ravensbrück Christine Bard, [ Les premières femmes au Gouvernement (France, 1936-1981)] , "Histoire@Politique", n°1, May-June 2007 fr icon] .


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