Al Arabiya

Al Arabiya

Infobox TV channel
name = Al Arabiya
logofile = Al-Arabiyalogo.svg
logosize =
logoalt = Al Arabiya logo
logo2 =
launch = March 3, 2003
picture format = SDTV
share =
share as of =
share source =
network = Middle East Broadcasting Center
owner =
slogan =
broadcast area = Worldwide
language = Arabic
headquarters = Dubai, United Arab Emirates
sister names =
timeshift names =
web = [] (Arabic)
[] (English)

sat serv 1 = Nilesat 102
sat chan 1 = 11938 V - 27500 - 3/4cite web | url = | title =Nilesat 102 | accessdate =2007-02-28 | publisher =Lyngsat |language= ]
sat serv 2 = Arabsat BADR4
sat chan 2 = 11919 H - 27500 - 3/4cite web | url = | title =BADR4 | accessdate =2007-02-28 | publisher =Lyngsat |language= ]
sat serv 3 = Hot Bird 8
sat chan 3 = 11747 H - 27500 - 3/4cite web | url = | title =Hot Bird 8 | accessdate =2008-07-28 | publisher =KingOfSat |language=]
sat serv 4 = SKY Italia
sat chan 4 = Channel 562
online serv 1 = Al Arabiya
online chan 1 = [ Watch] (Subscription)

Al Arabiya ( _ar. العربية "ArabDIN|al-ʿArabiyyah" [In Arabic, the word "العربية" with the same pronunciation is also used to refer to "Arabic language". Here it means "The Arab" (feminine).] ) is an Arabic-language television news channel. It was established on March 3, 2003. [cite web |url = |title = About Al Arabiya TV |publisher = English |accessdate = 2008-09-26]

The station is based in Dubai Media City, United Arab Emirates, and is partly owned by the Saudi-controlled broadcaster Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC). MBC's Saudi ownership leads to accusations that Al Arabiya has pro-American and pro-Saudi biases.cite news |author = Robert F. Worth |url = |title = A voice of moderation helps transform Arab media |publisher = The International Herald Tribune |date = 2008-01-04 |accessdate = 2008-01-05]

According to a BBC report on November 23, 2003, Al Arabiya was launched with an investment of $300 million by MBC, Lebanon's Hariri Group, and other investors from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the Gulf states, and was set up as an all-news channel to compete directly with the Qatar-based news channel Al Jazeera.cite news |author = Peter Feuilherade |url = |title = Profile: Al-Arabiya TV |publisher = BBC News Online |date = 2003-11-25 |accessdate = 2008-09-26]

As an international news channel, Al Arabiya broadcasts 24 hours a day with news being updated every top of the hour. The free-to-air channel carries news, current affairs, business and financial markets, sports, talk shows, and documentaries. It is consistently rated among the top pan-Arab stations by Middle East audiences, even though it doesn't match its main rival's (Al Jazeera) viewership. [cite web |url = |title = Al Jazeerah TV Audience Demographic |publisher = Allied Media Corp. |accessdate = 2008-10-11]

On February 14, 2005, Al Arabiya was the first news satellite channel to air news of the assassination of Rafik Hariri. [cite news |url = |title = Major industry award and dynamic programming mark Al Arabiya's third anniversary |publisher = AME Info |date = 2006-03-04 |accessdate = 2008-09-27]

In March 2008, the channel redesigned its ident and newsroom as a part of celebrating its fifth anniversary.


* Al Arabiya had been banned from reporting from Iraq by the country's interim government in November 2003 after it broadcast an audio tape on November 16 purportedly made by the deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The Iraqi government had also banned the channel on September 7, 2006 for one month for what it called "imprecise coverage".

* In September 2004, Al-Arabiya reporter Mazen al-Tumeizi was killed on camera in Iraq by US military action.

* On February 22, 2006, Al-Arabiya reporter Atwar Bahjat was abducted and killed by insurgents while covering a story in Iraq.

* On January 22, 2007, there was a large explosion at Al Arabiya's offices in Gaza City, just days after it was reported as criticizing members of Hamas. The offices were closed at the time and no injuries were reported.

* On September 2, 2008, Iran banned Al Arabiya's Tehran bureau chief, Hassan Fahs, and told him to leave the country. [cite news |url = |title = Al Arabiya slams Tehran bureau chief's expulsion |publisher = English |date = 2008-09-02 |accessdate = 2008-09-26] This was the third Al Arabiya correspondent expelled from Iran since the network opened an office there.Fact|date=September 2008

* On October 9, 2008, Al Arabiya website ( was hacked by Shia's. Apparently in response to Al Arabiya support for the hacking of the shia islamic leader Grand Ayotall Al-Sistani website and the anti-shia articles published in the saudi website.Fact|date=October 2008


Al Arabiya's internet site [] was launched as a news website in February 2004 initially in Arabic. The website launched an English-language service in August 2007, and Persian and Urdu services in March 2008. [cite web |url = |title = About |publisher = English |accessdate = 2008-09-26]

The channel also operates a business website that covers financial news and market data from the Middle East. [ [] ar icon]


* Al Jazeera
* BBC Arabic Television
* Alhurra
* Rusiya Al-Yaum

References and footnotes

* Tatham, Steve (2006), "Losing Arab Hearts & Minds: The Coalition, Al-Jazeera & Muslim Public Opinion", Hurst & Co (London). (Published 1 January 2006.)

External links

* [ Official Site] ar icon
* [ Official English Site]
* BBC: [ Profile:Al Arabiya TV]

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