

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Beata

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:"Beade redirects here: for details about the town in Galicia, Northwestern Spain, see Beade, Ourense."

Beata or Beate is a woman's given name that comes from the Latin "beatus", meaning "happy" or "blessed". It can also be the short-form of Beatrix or Beatrice.

This name is derived from same Latin word as the concept of Beatification, of major importance in the Catholic religion. However, in modern usage, the name is not taken as having a special religious significance, nor is it restricted to people of catholic background.

Famous people named Beata

*Beata Onefater - World DanceSport Latin Champion []
*Beata Pozniak - film director, painter, and model
*Beate Uhse-Rotermund - German pilot
*Beate Klarsfeld - Nazi hunter
*Beata Khaidurova - Model [] , cave explorer (assistant to Dr. Creflin)
*Beata Maria de Jesus (1616-1666) -
*Beate Zilversmidt - Israeli peace activist (see Gush Shalom)
*Beate Sirota Gordon Austrian born woman who drafted the article on the equality of women and men, and women's civil rights in Japan's constitution mandated by the Potsdam Declaration
*Dr Beata Cybulska London-based forensic expert, specialising in sexual assault.
*Beata Sabina Straas (died 1773) - aka Madame Åberg, Swedish actress
*Beata Jesenicanova - multilinguist, painter, and model


Beáta, Bea, Beade, Beate,

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