- Street prostitution
in which the sex worker operates from the street. Although this form of sex work can be more dangerous than other forms of sex work, some street based sex workers claim that street prostitution allows greater control over when the person works and what services they offer [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=e7qyVMwVL_MC&pg=PA60&lpg=PA60&dq=street+prostitution+dangerous&source=web&ots=k2-Z201BJ7&sig=4knlh1EjJHCXLHOJ-erbNotbORE&hl=en] . Unlike brothel sex work, street based sex workers are often independent workers - meaning (1) the amount of money charged is not shared with the brothel management or others and (2) they can make their own decisions about which customers to accept.
Street prostitution or actions closely associated with street prostitution are illegal in many jurisdictionsFact|date=May 2008, including many of those which allow other forms of prostitution. In jurisdictions where prostitution is in itself legal, it is often an offence to attempt to procure the services of a prostitute (or in the case of the prostitute, to attempt to gain a customer) in a public placeFact|date=May 2008. This offence is usually known as "
solicitation ". Laws against solicitation often include provisions specifically designed for (or only enforced against) street prostitution. [ [http://www.prostitutionprocon.org Should Prostitution Be Legal?] ] In parts of Australia street based sex work is not illegal.oliciting
The street prostitute solicits customers while waiting at street corners or walking alongside a street, sometimes dressed in suggestive clothing. The sex act may be performed in the customer's car or in a nearby alley, or at the prostitute's apartment or in a rented room (motels that service prostitutes commonly rent rooms by the half or full hour), or in some countries safe houses, regulated by the local Government Fact|date=May 2008.
Street prostitutes are extremely vulnerable to violence, both by clients and pimps.
Melissa Farley 's study of 854 prostitutes in nine countries, including America, found that 95% of women had been physically assaulted, and 75% had been raped. 89% of the women interviewed stating that they wanted to leave prostitution.dubious However, many people in prostitution are unable to leave either because they are under the control of a third party (eg a pimp, or a controlling partner or family member), or because they are economically vulnerable and unable to earn enough money another way. For example, they may have a drug addiction, or be supporting their family.Street prostitutes are also frequently targeted by
serial killers because they routinely enter an unknown man's car, try to not bring attention to themselves or their clients, and may go missing for days and weeks before anyone notices. The most famous examples of this type of serial killings includeJack the Ripper ,Gary Ridgway , TheHillside Strangler s,Arthur Shawcross , andRobert Pickton .Differences from other forms of prostitution
Most street prostitutes work outside, which means they are particularly vulnerable to physical and sexual assaults, as well as to muggings. Furthermore, because they are forced to wait for a prospective client to come past, often in the cold and in the dark, they must be less discretionary regarding who they take as a client. Often street prostitutes have pimps, although they may work for themselves. Pimps will demand a certain amount is earned each night, and this will also act to force a prostitute to take on a client she might not want to. Often street prostitutes have drug or alcohol addictions that may prevent them from being employable by brothel owners.
treet prostitution worldwide
Street prostitution is common all over the world. The majority of street prostitutes are native-born. One New York study indicated 87% are homeless or unstably housed. Drug use is prevalent. Some street prostitutes become sex workers as a result of being too uneducated to get or keep traditional employment. The current trend when sentencing prostitutes in the United States is to try to educate them while they are in
prison . [ [http://www.sexworkersproject.org/downloads/RevolvingDoor.pdf Revolving Door (PDF)] ]Some countries have decriminalized street prostitution; usually in restricted areas known as tolerance zones. Examples include the
Netherlands ,Germany ,andBrazil .The UK is contemplating tolerance zones around Liverpool with a view to extending the idea nationwide in the future Fact|date=May 2008. In countries where street prostitution is regulated, the workers can access periodic medical check ups, andsafe sex education and supplies. Brazil and Germany have legislated pension benefits for sex workers, including street prostitutes. However, a large percentage of prostitutes do not enlist in these state-sponsored services; possibly to maintain independence and higher income by avoiding tax and pension contributions.Street prostitution is seen as a viable alternative by many young poor people who otherwise wouldn't be able to make a decent living, because of the lack of opportunities. However, high-earning potential at the beginning of a sex-work career often does not translate into financial security in middle--or old--age. Mexico City's municipal government and Mayor
Andrés Manuel López Obrador , recognizing the dire situation faced by street prostitutes after a lifetime spent serving the sexual needs of their customers, announced in June 2005 the establishment of the Xochiquetzal Home for elderly prostitutes. [ [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40504-2005Apr9.html WP.com - Aging Prostitutes Find Champion in Mexico City Mayor] ] [ [http://www.npr.org/dmg/dmg.php?prgCode=ATC&showDate=10-May-2005&segNum=12&mediaPref=RM&getUnderwriting=1 After a Lifetime of Work, Mexico City's Elderly Prostitutes Find Shelter] ]ources
External links
* [http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/mime/open.pdf?Item=285 "Street prostitution"] by Michael S. Scott, US DOJ Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Series, No. 2 (
PDF file)
* [http://www.streetwomen.org "StreetWomen.org"] Website documenting lives of women involved in street prostitution.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.