

Infobox City
official_name = Pátzcuaro
native_name = Pátzcuaro
nickname =
motto = Pueblo Magico, Place of Stones

imagesize =
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image_shield =

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subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = Mexico
subdivision_type1 = State
subdivision_name1 = Michoacán
subdivision_type2 =
subdivision_name2 =
government_type =
leader_title =
leader_name =
leader_title1 =
leader_name1 =
leader_title2 =
leader_name2 =
leader_title3 =
leader_name3 =
established_title =
established_date = 1540
established_title2 =
established_date2 =
established_title3 =
established_date3 =
area_magnitude =
area_total_km2 =
area_total_sq_mi =
area_land_km2 =
area_land_sq_mi =
area_water_km2 =
area_water_sq_mi =
area_water_percent =
area_urban_km2 =
area_urban_sq_mi =
area_metro_km2 =
area_metro_sq_mi =
population_as_of =
population_note =
population_total = 51,124 (2005 census)
population_density_km2 =
population_density_sq_mi =
population_metro =
population_density_metro_km2 =
population_density_metro_sq_mi =
population_urban =
timezone = Central Standard Time
utc_offset = -6
timezone_DST =
utc_offset_DST =
latd = 19|latm=30|lats=49|latNS=N
longd = 101|longm=36|longs=33|longEW=W
elevation_m = 2,240
elevation_ft = 7130
postal_code_type =
postal_code =
website =
footnotes =

Pátzcuaro, which means "city of stones" in the Purepecha language, is a city and its surrounding municipality in the central part of the Mexican state of Michoacán. It is located at 19°51′N 101°61′W, about an hour drive between Morelia and Uruapan and 20 minutes drive to the artists' town of Erongaricuaro. The 2005 census population was 51,124 people in the city and 79,868 in the municipality. The municipality has an area of 435.96 km² (168.325 sq mi) and includes numerous smaller towns, the largest of which is Cuanajo.

PAGENAME was named a "Pueblo Mágico" in 2002.


Before the Spanish conquest, Pátzcuaro was one of three principal centers of the local Purepecha Indians. Its early inhabitants believed Pátzcuaro to be the doorway to heaven where the gods ascended and descended. The Purepecha people first settled in Pátzcuaro in about 1324, led by Rey Curateme. The Spanish moved their local government to Pátzcuaro from Tzintzuntzan in 1540. The city was developed as a government and religious center until the government was moved to Valladolid (now named Morelia) in 1580. It has always been of interest to Mexican history buffs because it was central to the careers of two diametrically opposed characters in Mexico's colonial past. The first was Nuño Guzmán de Beltrán, the vicious conquistador who plundered the area for gold. He burned alive the local Purepecha Indian chief when that man couldn't or wouldn't tell him where Indian gold was hidden. Eventually his crimes against the Indians became so extreme that the Spanish were forced to arrest him. In his place they sent Vasco de Quiroga, a former judge from Mexico City who had become a priest. Vasco de Quiroga helped the Purepecha Indians in the Pátzcuaro area by introducing new crops, establishing schools and hospitals, and introducing craft cooperatives in various nearby villages. While the cooperatives (an idea Quiroga adopted from Sir Thomas More's Utopia) have not survived, village specialization in crafts still marks the region as one of the most culturally rich in Mexico.

The town

Pátzcuaro is hidden high in the mountains of Michoacán at 2200 m (7130 feet) of elevation. It is veiled from the outside world by a curtain of high pine trees. To the north is Lake Pátzcuaro, one of Mexico's highest lakes. The butterfly fishermen, who dip their nets into the lake in search of whitefish, have become a trademark of Pátzcuaro.

The town retains its ancient atmosphere. It consists of largely one-story adobe or plaster-over-brick buildings with red tile roofs. The streets are dusty cobblestones traveled by horse and car. Plaza Vasco de Quiroga, known by locals as simply the Plaza Grande (Big Plaza), is Pátzcuaro's central square. Grass covers much of the plaza, and a statue of Vasco de Quiroga stands in its center.

On the east side of downtown is the beautiful Basilica de Nuestra Señora de la Salud (Basilica of Our Lady of Health), the city's patron, built between 1546 and 1554. The Colegio de San Nicolas (College of Saint Nicolas), south from the basilica, was founded by Don Vasco in 1540 and now houses the Museum of Popular Arts and Archaeology, which has exhibits of carvings, pottery, weaving, and archaeological artifacts. The Cathedral of Michoacán was built by Don Vasco and was opened in 1546. Today it is the temple of the Jesuits. The Casa de los Once Patios (House of Eleven Patios) is the former monastery of Santa Catalina (Saint Catherine), founded by Dominican nuns in 1747. It is now a center for local artisans, and you can watch them work.

One of the most striking features of the area is the island of Janitzio in Lake Patzcuaro, a very steep, rocky island that is completely covered with people and buildings. At the top stands an impressive statue of the revolutionary leader José María Morelos. Getting to the island requires you to take a local ferry on an approximate half-hour cruise. And from the time you land on the island until the time you reach the crowning statue you must run a gauntlet of local vendors selling everything imaginable. But the island and the views from its summit are breathtaking, and its people welcoming. Photo at [http://www.pbase.com/gaild/image/36607147]


The Dance of the Viejitos (Old Men), one of the best and most widely known native dances of Mexico, is presented at the Best Western Posada de Don Vasco on Wednesday and Saturday nights at 9:00 p.m. The dancers wear wooden masks that depict smiling old men to show that, at least in Mexico, old age is not a time of listless despair, but rather a season to enjoy the fruits of life. Los Viejitos also perform for free in the Plaza Grande on many weekends.


Patzcuaro's eateries tout the traditional whitefish in a variety of preparations, though not all of it comes from the nearby lake. Another unique, delicious dish is sopa tarasca, a local variation of Mexico's ubiquitous tortilla soup with large pieces of roasted dried chiles and crumbly fresh cheese.

The nieve (ice cream), sold near the Plaza Vasco de Quiroga, is a delightful treat. There are many different flavors, made with water or with cream. Combinations of flavors add variety and taste. One of the most popular flavors is called pasta (paste).


Many shops line the main plaza, selling all kinds of textiles, tablecloths, clothing, and more. Shops around town carry henequen rugs, lacquered trays, serapes, Indian masks, and wooden boxes. Pátzcuaro's lacquered trays are quite famous; the lacquer is supposedly made from the crushed bodies of purple insects, which provide the deep, rich finish and durability.


* [http://www.inegi.gob.mx/est/contenidos/espanol/sistemas/conteo2005/localidad/iter/ Link to tables of population data from Census of 2005] INEGI: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática

* [http://www.e-local.gob.mx/wb2/ELOCAL/EMM_michoacan Michoacán] Enciclopedia de los Municipios de México

External links

* [http://www.eventola.com/patzcuaro Eventola] Pátzcuaro cultural events, photos videos and more.
* [http://www.patzcuaro.com Patzcuaro.com] Patzcuaro's touristic Portal. History, artcrafts, hotels, restaurants, fiestas, photo galleries, maps and more.
* [http://www.patzcuaro.gob.mx/ Pátzcuaro Pueblo Magico] Official website
* [http://www.diademuertos.net Dia de los Muertos in Patzcuaro, photos and resources]
* [http://www.patzcuaro.info/ Pátzcuaro.info] All you want to know about Patzcuaro. An excellent guide online plus general info of the area, events and places to go. Constantly updated.
* [http://www.letsgopatzcuaro.com/ Pátzcuaro. City, culture, presentations and events. Nice place in town]
* [http://www.eljorongo.com/ El Jorongo Custom Design Wool Rugs & Sweaters]
* [http://www.patzcuaromexico.com/ Portal de patzcuaro]
* [http://www.pbase.com/dserebrisky/patzcuaro Photos of Pátzcuaro]
* [http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/MXMN0938.html Current Patzcuaro Weather]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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