Susan Carter Holmes

Susan Carter Holmes

Susan Carter Holmes (1933 - ) is a botanist and taxonomist at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. She discovered and catalogued more than 200 plants of the family Euphorbiaceae, particularly of the succulent East African members of the genera Euphorbia and Monadenium, as well as about 20 Aloes. All plants and articles are published under her maiden-name Susan Carter.

Plants named in honor to her are
*"Euphorbia carteriana" P.R.O.Bally 1964
*"Euphorbia holmesiae" Lavranos 1992
*"Euphorbia susanholmesiae" Binojk. & Gopalan 1993

Selected Works:
* Carter, Susan: "New Succulent Spiny Euphorbias from East Africa", 1982. ISBN 1-878762-72-9
* Carter, Susan & Smith, A.L.: "Flora of Tropical East Africa, Euphorbiaceae" 1988. ISBN 90-6191-338-1
* Carter, Susan & Eggli, Urs: "The CITES Checklist of Succulent Euphorbia Taxa (Euphorbiaceae)" 1997. ISBN 3-89624-609-7

Susan Carter Holmes is currently president of the International Euphorbia Society (IES).

ee also

List of Euphorbia species


*Susan Carter, "On being a botanist at Kew", "Euphorbia Journal", Vol. 2, pp. 56–60.

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