World Money Fair — Die World Money Fair ist eine internationale Münzbörse. 1970 wurde in München durch Albert Beck die „Organisation Europäischer Münzen Börsen“ (OEMB) mit der Idee gegründet, einen starken Sammlermarkt aufzubauen. Zwei Jahre später veranstaltete… … Deutsch Wikipedia
World's Fair of 1897 — National pride spurred government officials to hold a world s fair at Brussels in 1897 to showcase the international economic prowess of Belgium, which ranked fifth among the world s nations in volume of foreign commerce. Located in the… … Historical Dictionary of Brussels
1964 New York World's Fair — View of the New York World s Fair from the observation towers of the New York State Pavilion; the Unisphere is at the left The 1964/1965 New York World s Fair was the third major world s fair to be held in New York City.[1] Hailing itself as a… … Wikipedia
It Happened at the World's Fair — Infobox Movie name = It Happened at the World s Fair imdb id = 0057191 producer = Ted Richmond director = Norman Taurog writer = Si Rose Seaman Jacobs starring = Elvis Presley Joan O Brien Gary Lockwood Vicky Tiu music = Leith Stevens… … Wikipedia
fair — fair1 [fer] adj. [ME < OE fæger, akin to FAIN, Goth fagrs, apt, fit < IE base * pek , to be content, make (something) pretty > Lith púošiu, to ornament] 1. attractive; beautiful; lovely 2. unblemished; clean [a fair name] 3. [< notion … English World dictionary
World domination — (sometimes world conquest, global domination, or colloquially taking over the world), in which a single political authority rules over all the inhabitants of planet Earth, has been attempted by several individuals and political systems throughout … Wikipedia
Fair trade — For other uses, see Fair trade (disambiguation). Fair trade is an organized social movement and market based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries make better trading conditions and promote sustainability. The movement… … Wikipedia
World's Columbian Exposition — For the Sufjan Stevens song, see Illinois (album). The Statue of the Republic overlooks the World s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 … Wikipedia
World Cotton Centennial — Engraving of The Octagonal Building, part of Mexico exhibit at 1884 World s Fair, New Orleans … Wikipedia
fair — fair1 fairness, n. /fair/, adj., fairer, fairest, adv., fairer, fairest, n., v. adj. 1. free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: a fair decision; a fair judge. 2. legitimately sought, pursued, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules: a fair… … Universalium