- Gabriel Bethlen
Gabriel Bethlen (de Iktár) (-English, Hungarian: "Bethlen Gábor",Romanian: "Gabriel Bethlen", German: "Gabriel Bethlen von Iktár", Slovak: "Gabriel Bethlen";
1580 -November 15 ,1629 ) was a prince ofTransylvania (1613-1629), duke ofOpole (1622-1625) and leader of an anti-Habsburg insurrection in the HabsburgRoyal Hungary . His last armed intervention in 1626 was part of theThirty Years' War . He led an activeProtestant -oriented foreign policy. One of the greatest Hungarian Prince of Transylvania.Gabriel Bethlen, the most famous representative of the
Iktári branch of the ancient Hungarian Bethlen family, was born at Marosillye (today Ilia inRomania ) and educated at Szárhegy (todayLăzarea in Romania) at the castle of his uncleAndrás Lázár . Thence he was sent to the court of the Transylvanian PrinceSigismund Báthory , whom he accompanied on his famousWallachia n campaign. Subsequently he assistedIstván Bocskay to become Prince of Transylvania in 1605 and remained his chief counsellor. Bethlen also supported Bocskay's successorGabriel Báthory (1608-1613), but the prince became jealous of Bethlen's superior abilities and Bethlen was obliged to take refuge with the Turks of theOttoman Empire .In 1613, Bethlen led a large army against Prince Báthory, but in the same year Báthory was murdered by two of his officers. Bethlen was placed on the throne by the Otomans in opposition to the wishes of the Austrian
Habsburg emperor, who preferred a prince who would incline more towardVienna than toward TurkishConstantinople . OnOctober 13 ,1613 , theTransylvanian Diet atKolozsvár , confirmed the choice of the Turkish sultan. In 1615, Bethlen was also officially recognized by the Emperor Matthias as the Prince of Transylvania; Bethlen promised in secret that he would help the Habsburgs against the Ottomans.While avoiding the cruelties and excesses of many of his predecessors, Bethlen established a singular variant of patriarchal but sufficiently absolutism. He developed mines and industry and nationalised many branches of Transylvania's foreign trade. His agents bought up many products at fixed prices and sold them abroad at a profit, almost doubling his revenues. He built himself a grand new palace in his capital,
Gyulafehérvár , kept a sumptuous court, composed hymns, and patronised the arts and learning, especially in connection with his own Calvinist faith. He founded an academy to which he invited any pastor and teacher from Royal Hungary; sent students abroad to the Protestant universities ofEngland , theLow Countries , and the Protestant principalities ofGermany ;, conferred hereditary nobility on all Protestant pastors; and forbade landlords to prevent their serfs from having their children schooled.Other parts of his revenue he devoted toward keeping an efficient standing army of mercenaries, with whose help he conducted an ambitious foreign policy. Keeping peace with the Ottoman Porte, he struck out to the north and west.
There were several reasons for his anti-Habsburg interventions in neighbouring Royal Hungary (1619-1626) which took place during Central Europe's
Thirty Years' War :
*He was partly motivated by personal ambition.
*Habsburg absolutism in Royal Hungary.
*The Habsburgs had started a successfulCounter-Reformation in Royal Hungary which confiscated properties of local Protestants. Bethlen seems also to have been genuinely anxious to protect Protestant liberties.
*The Habsburgs had violated the Peace of Vienna of 1606 that put an end to the anti-Habsburg uprising of Bethlen's "predecessor"István Bocskay .
*The Habsburgs had violated the secret agreement with Bethlen of 1615 and prolonged the peace with Ottoman Empire in July 1615, and even entered into an alliance withGeorge Druget , the captain of Upper Hungary (i.e. present-day Slovakia and adjacent territories) against Bethlen.While Emperor Ferdinand was occupied with the Bohemian rebellion of 1618, Bethlen led his armies into Royal Hungary in August 1619 and occupied the town of
Kassa in September, where his Protestant supporters declared him "head" of Hungary and protector of the Protestants. He soon won over the entirety of present-day Slovakia, even securing the capital of Royal Hungary, Pozsony (Pozsony ), in October, where the palatine even handed over theCrown of St Stephen to Bethlen. Bethlen's troops joined with the troops of the Czech andMoravia n estates (led by CountJindrich Matyas Thurn ), but they failed to conquer Vienna in November – Bethlen was forced to leave Austria after being attacked by George Druget and Polish mercenaries (lisowczycy ) in Upper Hungary. Although he had conquered most of Royal Hungary, Bethlen was not averse to a peace, nor to a preliminary suspension of hostilities, and negotiations were opened at the conquered towns of Pozsony (Pozsony ),Kassa andBesztercebánya . Initially, they led to nothing because Bethlen insisted on including the Czechs in the peace, but finally a truce was concluded in January 1620 under which Bethlen received 13 counties in the east of Royal Hungary. On20 August 1620 the estates elected himKing of Hungary at the Diet in Besztercebánya with the consent of the Ottomans, but Bethlen refused to accept the crown because he wanted to reconcile with the Habsburgs and reunite Hungary. However, the war with the Habsburgs resumed in Royal Hungary andLower Austria in September.The defeat of the Czech rebels by Ferdinand II’s troops at the
Battle of White Mountain on8 November 1620 (to which Bethlen had sent 3,000 delayed troops which however came too late) gave a new turn to Bethlen’s insurrection against the Habsburgs. Ferdinand II took a fearful revenge upon the Protestant nobility in Bohemia and reconquered Royal Hungary (Pozsony reconquered in May 1621, central part of the country with the mining towns in June 1621). Because the Protestant nobles had not received the confiscated property of the Catholics on Bethlen's territory and thus rescinded their support for Bethlen, and because Bethlen was not directly supported by the Ottomans, Bethlen started peace negotiations. As a result, theTreaty of Nikolsburg was concluded onDecember 31 ,1621 , under which Bethlen renounced the royal title on condition that Ferdinand confirmed the 1606 Peace of Vienna (which had granted full liberty of worship to the HungarianProtestants ) and engaged to summon a general diet within six months). The treaty granted full liberty of worship to the Protestants of Hungarian Transylvania and agreed on the summoning of a general diet within six months. In addition, Bethlen secured the (purely formal) title of “Imperial Prince“ (of Hungarian Transylvania), seven counties around the UpperTisza River (in present-day Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and Romania), the fortresses ofTokaj ,Munkács , andEcsed , and a duchy inSilesia .Subsequently Bethlen twice (1623-1624 and 1626) launched further campaigns against Ferdinand to the territory of Hungarian Highlands present-day Slovakia, this time as a direct ally of the anti-Habsburg Protestant powers. The first war was concluded by the 1624 Peace of Vienna, the second by the 1626
Peace of Pozsony - both confirmed the 1621 Peace of Nikolsburg. After the second of these campaigns, Bethlen attempted a rapprochement with the court of Vienna on the basis of an alliance against the Turks and his own marriage with an archduchess of Austria, but Ferdinand rejected his overtures. Bethlen was obliged to renounce his anti-Turkish projects, which had always remained a goal of his. Accordingly, on his return from Vienna he wedded Catherine, the daughter of the elector ofBrandenburg , and still more closely allied himself with the Protestant powers, including his brother-in-lawGustavus Adolphus ofSweden , who, he hoped, would aid him in obtaining the Polish crown. Bethlen died onNovember 15 ,1629 before he could accomplish any of his great designs to Unite Transylvania and Hungary, having previously secured the election of his wife Catherine as princess. His first wife, Zsuzsanna Károlyi, died in 1622.Gabriel Bethlen was one of the most striking and original personages of his century. A zealous Calvinist who boasted he had read the Bible twenty-five times, he was not a bigot and had helped the
Jesuit György Káldy to translate and print his version of theScriptures . He was in communication all his life with the leading contemporary statesmen, so that his correspondence is one of the most interesting and important of historical documents. He also composed hymns.External links
* [http://www.angelfire.com/sk3/quality/Part_of_Hungary_II.html Detailed timeline]
* [http://english.mnb.hu/Engine.aspx?page=mnben_notes&ContentID=3323 His picture on the Hungarian 2000 forint banknote]
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