- Inferior gluteal nerve
Infobox Nerve
Latin = nervus gluteus inferior
GraySubject = 213
GrayPage = 659
Caption = Plan ofsacral andpudendal plexus es. (Inferior gluteal nerve labeled at upper left.)
Caption2 = The gluteus medius and nearby muscles
Innervates =gluteus maximus
BranchFrom =sacral plexus (L5–S2)
BranchTo =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = n_05
DorlandsSuf = 12565853
The inferior gluteal nerve is anerve in thepelvis that innervates thegluteus maximus muscle.tructure
The inferior gluteal nerve originates in the
sacral plexus . It arises from the dorsal divisions of the fifthlumbar and first and secondsacral nerve s: it leaves the pelvis through thegreater sciatic foramen , below thepiriformis , and divides into branches which enter the deep surface of thegluteus maximus . It is the principal extensor of the thigh.ee also
Superior gluteal nerve
*Inferior gluteal artery External links
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