Teip — (also taip) is a Chechen tribal organization or clan, self identified through descent from a common ancestor and geographic location. There are about 130 teips (though some sources state that there may be as many as 300). More than 20 teips… … Wikipedia
Traditional water sources of Persian antiquity — Most rivers in Iran are seasonal and have traditionally not been able to supply the needs of urban settlements. Major rivers like the Arvand, Aras, Zayandeh, Sefid and Atrak were few and far between in the vast lands of Persian antiquity. With… … Wikipedia
Taïp — Le taïp ou taip (тайп), est l organisation tribale tchétchène, à rapprocher du concept de clan. Un taïp s identifie en tant que regroupement des descendants d un ancêtre commun et sur des bases territoriales. On estime qu il en existe environ 130 … Wikipédia en Français
Teip — Taïp Le taïp ou taip (тайп), est l organisation tribale tchétchène, à rapprocher du concept de clan. Un taïp s identifie en tant que regroupement des descendants d un ancêtre commun et sur des bases territoriales. On estime qu il en existe… … Wikipédia en Français