

Krisis, or the Krisis-Gruppe, is an anti-political journal and discussion group formed in 1986 as a "theoretical forum for a radical critique of capitalist society." Its members include Robert Kurz, Roswitha Scholz, Nobert Trenkle, Ernst Lohoff, Achim Bellgart and Franz Schandl.

Theory and Ideology

In its journal [ [ Krisis Journal (in German)] ] , the group proposes a critique of contemporary capitalist society based on a fundamental reinterpretation of Marx's analysis of the commodity, value and money in Das Kapital.

In the "Manifesto Against Labour" [ [ Manifesto Against Labour] ] , Krisis argues against the traditional Marxist notion of class struggle as the motor of history. According to Krisis, there is no class-subject. The struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie is not a struggle between a revolutionary class and its oppressor, but rather a struggle between two opposed interests that are integral to capitalism and form a single "labor camp". Contrary to traditional Marxism, then, Krisis asserts that the struggle against capitalism is not the struggle for the liberation "of" labor, but rather a struggle for liberation "from" labor.

Krisis Division

In 2004 Krisis split, and the members Robert Kurz and Roswitha Scholz together with a several members of the editorial staff formed the Exit! group. According to Exit! the split was a result of a putsch by a minority of the editorial staff of Krisis [ [ Regarding the Krisis Group Division] - a statement by three members of the old editorial staff.] .

ee also

*Anselm Jappe


External links

* [ Krisis articles in English]
* [ UK based magazine and blog influenced by Krisis and Exit]

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