Silver Bauhinia Star

Silver Bauhinia Star

The Silver Bauhinia Star (zh-t|t=銀紫荊星章, SBS) is the second rank in Order of the Bauhinia Star in Hong Kong. [cite web|url=|title=Types of Honours and Awards and Precedence Order|publisher=Protocol Division Government Secretariat of the Hong Kong SAR|date=2005-11-07|accessdate=2008-02-15] It is awarded to persons who have taken a leading part in public affairs and/or voluntary work over a long period of time. It was created in 1997 to replace the British honours system of the Order of the British Empire after the transfer of sovereignty to People's Republic of China and the establishment of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

List of awardees


* Dr. David FANG, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEE Cho-jat, S.B.S.
* Mr. LI Shu-fai, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. SHENG Len-tao, Andrew, S.B.S.
* Dr. SHAO You-bao, S.B.S.
* Mrs. Peggy LAM, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. SHIU Sin-por, S.B.S.
* Professor KING Yeo-chi, Ambrose, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Richard Alan SIEGEL, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WEI Wen-nam, Robert, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mrs. LEUNG WONG Bei-fong, Sally, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHAN Bing-woon, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Raymond R. WONG, S.B.S.
* Mr. CHENG Yiu-tong, S.B.S.
* Mr. LO Chung-hing, S.B.S.
* Mr. Ian Barry DALE, S.B.S.
* Mr. TAI Kuen, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Thomas Brian STEVENSON, S.B.S.


* Dr. FANG Sum-suk, Marion, S.B.S., J.P.
* Prof. WONG Yue-chim, Richard, S.B.S.
* Miss Annie WU SUK-ching, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable HO Sai-chu, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable HO Sing-tin, Edward, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. YU Kwok-chun, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable LEE Kai-ming, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Brian DAGNALL, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor CHOW Wing-sun, Nelson, S.B.S.,J.P.
* Mr. John Terence HUNG, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Barry Jonathan Clayton WOODROFFE, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LIANG Hin-ying, Herbert, S.B.S.
* Mr. HU Man-shiu, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Jackie CHAN, S.B.S.
* Mr. CHAN Tak-lam, Norman, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor CHENG Kai-ming, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. YU Sun-say, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor LIU Pak-wai, S.B.S.
* Mr. Dickson POON, S.B.S.
* Dr. PUN Kwok-shing, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LAI Ming-kee, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable FOK Tsun-ting, Timothy, S.B.S., J.P.
* Prof. LUNG Ping-yee, David, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. SO Kwok-wing, Andrew, S.B.S., J.P.
* Prof. Inga-Stina EWBANK, S.B.S.
* Sir Edward PARKES, S.B.S.


* The Honourable Mrs. Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. YEH Meou-tsen, Geoffrey, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. YEN Yuen-ho, Tony, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEUNG Kwok-sun, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. TSANG Kwong-yu, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. FONG Ching, Eddy, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. FONG Yun-wah, Henry, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor LEE Shiu-hung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LAM Moon-tim, Bernard, S.B.S., J.P.
* Ms. WU Hung-yuk, Anna, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHEUNG Kin-tung, Marvin, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. CHUANG Siu-leung, Andrew, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. KOO Yee-yin, Irving, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. NG Ping-cheong, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. YANG Shen-sum, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LIU Yat-yuen, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor Patrick LAU SAU-shing, S.B.S., J.P.


* Mrs. WEI CHUI Kit-yee, Lessie, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHAU How-chen, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. LEE Nai-shee, Harry, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEE Man-ban, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor CHOW Yat-ngok, York, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mrs. LING LEE Ching-man, Eleanor, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. FAN Hung-ling, Henry, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. NGAI Shiu-kit, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEUNG Cham-tim, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Peter James THOMPSON, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LIAO Cheung-sing, Andrew, S.B.S., S.C., J.P.
* Mr. Nigel Christopher Leslie SHIPMAN, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. David Thomas Rhys CARSE, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mrs. KWAN KO Siu-wah, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mrs. CHA SHIH May-lung, Laura, S.B.S.
* Mr. WU James Tak, S.B.S.
* Mr. ZEE Kwoh-kung, S.B.S.
* Mr. LO Yau-lai, Winston, S.B.S.
* Mr. Robert George KOTEWALL, S.B.S., S.C.


* Mr. CHAO Kuang-piu, S.B.S.
* Mr. NG Ching-kwok, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. HSU King-ping, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHEUNG Hok-ming, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Robert Douglas POPE, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. SHUM Choi-sang, S.B.S., J.P.
* Miss CHEUNG Man-yee, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor LEUNG Ping-chung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHEN Nan-lok, Philip, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WONG Kong-hon, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LIU Ching-leung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. CHOI Yuen-wan, Philemon, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. PAU Shiu-hung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHUNG Po-yang, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. KWOK Man-wai, Tony, S.B.S., I.D.S.
* Mrs. YU LAI Ching-ping, Helen, S.B.S.
* Mr. LAM Chung-lun, Billy, S.B.S.
* Mr. WAI Kee-shun, S.B.S.
* Mr. Francis G. MARTIN, S.B.S.
* Professor Ruth E. S. HAYHOE, S.B.S.
* Reverend Hugh PHILLIPSON, S.B.S.
* Mrs. FEI SOO Mo-chi, S.B.S.
* Professor John WONG, S.B.S.
* Mr. LAU Yuk-kuen, Douglas, S.B.S.
* Ms. TSAR Teh-yun, S.B.S.


* Mr. CHAN Yin-tat, Dominic, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable YOUNG How-wah, Howard, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WONG Hung-kin, James, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. SHUM Man-to, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHOW Wing-kin, Anthony, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. LAM Hung-kwan, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEUNG Sai-wah, Paul, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. Philip KWOK, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LUK Ping-chuen, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WONG Chi-yun, Allan, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor YEUNG Yue-man, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor William Ian Rees DAVIES, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor Ivor John HODGKISS, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. David John LITTLE, S.B.S.
* Mr. CHOW Yun-fat, S.B.S.
* Mr. LAM Kwong-siu, S.B.S.
* Professor ZEE Sze-yong, Shane, S.B.S.
* Professor CHEUNG Yau-kai, S.B.S.
* Mr. Darwin CHEN, S.B.S.
* Mr. Daniel R. FUNG, S.B.S., S.C.
* Mr. TANG Kwan, S.B.S.
* Mr. KAN Fook-yee, S.B.S.


* The Honourable TING Woo-shou, Kenneth, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable NG Leung-sing, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable HUI Cheung-ching, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable LAU Ping-cheung, S.B.S.
* The Honourable MA Fung-kwok, S.B.S., J.P.
* Justice TANG Ching, Robert, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LAM Kin-fung, Jeffrey, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. MAK Ching-hung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. John Robertson BUDGE, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LAM Kwong-yu, Albert, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Alan HOO, S.B.S., S.C., J.P.
* Professor YUEN Kwok-yung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEUNG Kwan-yuen, Andrew, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. HUI Chun-fui, Victor, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. YEUNG Chun-kam, Charles, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. York LIAO, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Christopher Iain Carlyle JACKSON, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. TAI Tak-fung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. HAU Shui-pui, S.B.S.
* Mr. James Wyndham John HUGHES-HALLETT, S.B.S.
* Mr. Leo A. DALY, S.B.S.
* Professor SUNG Jao-yiu, Joseph, S.B.S.
* Miss Liza WANG, S.B.S.


* Dr. the Honourable LUI Ming-wah, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable CHAN Kam-lam, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LIN Sun-mo, Willy, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHAN Kar-lok, Walter, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHU Yu-lin, David, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. YU Pang-chun, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor LEE Chack-fan, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHOW Man-yiu, Paul, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. HEUNG Cheuk-kei, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHEUNG Tat-kwing, Raymond, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEUNG Kin-pong, Andrew, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEONG Ka-chai, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHAN Shu-ying, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. YEUNG Ka-sing, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. FOK Chun-wan, Ian, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHUNG Pui-lam, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. LAW Chi-kwong, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Robert John Steen LAW, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor Anna PAO SOHMEN, S.B.S.
* Professor Gerard McCOY, S.B.S., S.C.


* The Honourable LAM Wai-keung, Daniel, S.B.S., J.P.
* Ir. Dr. the Honourable HO Chung-tai, Raymond, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable FUNG Kin-kee, Frederick, S.B.S., J.P.
* Ms. TING Yuk-chee, Christina, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. NG Sze-fuk, George, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. CHAN Tung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. IP Kwok-chung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. HO Wing-huen, Frederick, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LI Tze-leung, Brian, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEE Jark-pui, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LAM Chun-man, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor LAM Kin-che, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. KO Chan-gock, William, S.B.S., J.P.
* Ir. Dr. TSUI Shung-yiu, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. TSAO Tak-kiang, Lorenz, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. HSU Hsung, Adolf, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. Judith Mary Longstaff MACKAY, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WU Moon-hoi, Marco, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Robert Charles Law FOOTMAN, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor FAN Sheung-tat, S.B.S.
* Mr. TSAO Wen-king, Frank, S.B.S.


* Professor CHAN Ka-keung, Ceajer, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable CHAN Yuen-han, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable SIN Chung-kai, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable WONG Yung-kan, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable SHEK Lai-him, Abraham, S.B.S., J.P.
* The Honourable CHEUNG Yu-yan, Tommy, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. TANG Siu-tong, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor WONG Siu-lun, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WONG Ying-wai, Wilfred, S.B.S., J.P.
* Ms. KI Man-fung, Leonie, S.B.S., J.P.
* Miss Jacqueline Ann WILLIS, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. MA Ho-fai, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEUNG Wing-lup, Gregory, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. KWOK Ping-kwong, Thomas, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor CHAN Chi-fai, Andrew, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. PANG Tsan-wing, S.B.S., J.P.
* Ms. FEI Fih, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. FUNG Chee-keung, Bosco, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. CHENG Wai-sun, Edward, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LAI Sze-hoi, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. Anthony John Liddell NIGHTINGALE, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. PANG Sung-yuen, S.B.S., C.S.D.S.M.
* Mr. Robert Charles ALLCOCK, S.B.S.
* Mr. Neil KAPLAN, S.B.S.
* Mr. CHIANG Yam-wang, Allan, S.B.S.


* The Honourable FANG Kang, Vincent, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. TUNG Chee-chen, S.B.S., J.P.
* Ir. WONG Kwok-keung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WAI Kwok-hung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. KWOK Jing-keung, S.B.S., F.S.D.S.M., J.P.
* Mr. Joseph LEE, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. CHOW Chun-kay, Stephen, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WONG Sik-kei, Anthony, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LO Hing-chung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LEUNG Sik-wah, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. PANG Yiu-kai, S.B.S., J.P.
* Dr. FUNG Kwok-lun, William, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. FUNG Choi-cheung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WONG Chee-keung, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. WONG Fook-hum, Ronny, S.B.S., S.C., J.P.
* Mr. LAU Lai-chiu, Patrick, S.B.S., J.P.
* Professor TANG Wai-king, Grace, S.B.S., J.P.
* Mr. LAI Tung-kwok, S.B.S., I.D.S.M.
* Mrs. LOUEY Wai-hung, Kathryn, S.B.S.
* Mr. John Anthony MILLER, S.B.S.
* Mr. AU Man-ho, S.B.S.
* Mr. FUNG Siu-yuen, Gordon, S.B.S.
* Professor Joseph Sriyal Malik PEIRIS, S.B.S.
* Ms. LO Kai-yin, S.B.S.


External links

* [ Recipients of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Honours and Awards]

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