Skinwalker Ranch

Skinwalker Ranch

Infobox Paranormalplaces
Place_Name = Skinwalker Ranch

Image_Caption =
Grouping = General
Country = United States
Region = Uintah County, Utah
Terrain = High desert
Owner = NIDS
Status = Unknown

Skinwalker Ranch is a ranch reputedly located in the Uintah Basin of Utah; it is allegedly the site of a series of paranormal activities.

A precise site has never been publicly confirmed (coordinates from WikiMapia site the ranch at 40°15'31"N 109°53'16"W), but the ranch is supposed to cover 480 acres relatively near to the Utah cities of Roosevelt and Vernal.Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)] Its name is a play on George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch, and comes from the "Skinwalker", a supernatural being in Ute folklore.


Tom Gorman and his wife, sometimes called Terry and Gwen Sherman, bought the ranch from absent owners in the autumn of 1994, with the intention of raising cattle. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002] After reputedly experiencing what they believed to be paranormal activity, and citing personal stress, the family tried to sell the ranch in 1996. Some regional press outlets picked up news of the alleged phenomena shortly afterward.

The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDSci), which funds study of the paranormal, purchased the ranch for $200,000. [ The Daily Grail Wiki, Robert Bigelow] , 21 July 2006] The ranch featured in the media again in 2002 when NIDSci gave "Las Vegas Mercury" reporter George Knapp access to the ranch. Knapp wrote a two-part article, which was published in the now-defunct alternative newsweekly "Las Vegas Mercury" in November 2002. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002]

"Hunt for the Skinwalker", a detailed book about the ranch and the NIDSci investigation which was co-written by NIDSci researcher Colm Kelleher and Knapp was published in December 2005. The authors insisted that standard scientific protocols were followed in the investigation at the ranch, and that scientists and researchers witnessed bizarre phenomena, but there has been no independent verification of those claims.Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)]

A Utah talk radio host, Steven Rinehart, claimed in December 2006 on the air to have visited the ranch. [ Shows] , Steven Rinehart, Show Archives] He subsequently posted photographs of the ranch and directions to it online (and a Google Earth link), along with purportedly unidentified footprints he found in snow near the ranch. According to Rinehart, each print was about 17 inches (0.4 m) long, and appeared to have been made by a large, bipedal creature. [ Dispatch] , Steven Rinehart, Investigative Journalism Dispatch, December 28, 2006 (in Microsoft Word format)]

Reported activity

Activity frequency

Activity at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah proved sporadic from the late 1990s onwards, with periods of high activity offset by periods of dormancy. Many of the more unusual phenomena were transient, sometimes happening only once, or often reported as just occurring for a couple of weeks and then disappearing forever, making it difficult for investigators to get results or draw firm conclusions.

The exact pattern of activity on the ranch has proved difficult to identify during this timespan, due to the secrecy and inactivity of NIDS. However, in February 2006 George Knapp declared on the Coast to Coast AM radio show that the strange phenomena had started up again. He also stated that security measures were being used to guard the premises, and that anyone trespassing would be prosecuted.

Types of activity

A wide variety of paranormal activities have allegedly been encountered at the ranch. Unusual or unidentified aircraft, balls of light, poltergeist activity, cattle mutilation, and strange creatures have been reported [] . The last owners reported no problems while living there Fact|date=April 2007. Chapter 14 in Kelleher and Knapp's book "Hunt for the Skinwalker" asserts that after numerous interviews with neighbors to the Gorman ranch, many spoke of unusual experiences to NIDS researchers (one, identified as "Mr. Gonsalez" alleged that he had unusual experiences with cattle disappearances). They also claim local Ute Indians have a history of encounters with unusual objects and creatures [ [Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)] . Since the real names of these people are not revealed, these claims cannot be independently verified.

Unidentified vehicles

A refrigerator-shaped object about the size of an RV with a white light at the front and a red light at the back was reported by the Gorman family prior to NIDS' arrival. The vehicle allegedly retreated from Gorman and his nephew as they approached it. It then floated up into the clear sky and flew away. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002] The vehicle bore a limited resemblance to a Chupa, a type of UFO reported in Brazil.

A black triangular object resembling an F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter was also allegedly witnessed by Mrs. Gorman. The vehicle hovered about twenty feet above her parked car before it vanished. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002]

Known by locals as "ghost lights", the Gormans claimed that they could also move towards people as if to play a game of "chicken"Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)] .

Orbs and floating lights

Glowing orbs of various colors, particularly orange and blue, were allegedly seen on the property. They were described as ranging from basketball- to baseball-sized, and some contained what appeared to be swirling liquid. These objects were allegedly capable of affecting electrical items, particularly lights merely by their presence, and of melting animals, such as dogs. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002] This was possibly due to extreme heat or radiation that might have emanated from the orbs.

Another phenomena observed by the Gormans were large orange circles that floated in the sky and occasionally expelled orbs and unidentified beings. Mr. Gorman claimed blue sky was visible through one such circle he witnessed at night. [ Rigorous Intuition blog, Bad Medicine part 2] , Jeff Wells, 25 January 2006]

Cattle mutilations and strange creatures

The Gormans allegedly witnessed numerous cattle mutilations on the ranch during their stay. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002] Some common traits of these included:
*One ear being cut off
*Excision of the cattle's genitals
*The cattle being cored out from the anus
*Exsanguination, some instances of which took place very quickly (twenty minutes, on one occasion) Fact|date=April 2007

Numerous encounters with unidentified or strangely behaving creatures allegedly occurred on the ranch. In some tales, the creatures were reminiscent of dogs or hyenas. The first unusual encounter the Gormans had on the ranch involved what appeared to be a very large wolf on one of their first days after moving to the ranch. The animal was not aggressive towards the family, but when it attempted to capture a calf, Mr. Gorman shot at the creature. The shots had no noticeable effect and the creature eventually left the homestead. Gorman later found a hunk of flesh from the animal that smelled of burning sulfur or rotten meat. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002]

Other creatures, including what appeared to be Bigfoot and an unknown, semi-transparent entity, were also said to have been encountered on the property. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002]

Exotic, multicolored birds were also reported on the ranch [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002] , although such instances could be explained by the wide variety of rare and exotic bird species that are seen in Utah [ Photo gallery of birds spotted in Utah] ,] .

Poltergeist activity

Trickster or poltergeist-like activity was reported both inside the Gormans' home and on their property. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002] Claims included doors opening and slamming shut, salt and pepper being switched, and objects disappearing and reappearing later in strange places. One story told of four large bulls that had disappeared from a pasture found later in a cramped cattle trailer, seemingly entranced.Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)] The Gormans also reported on instances of what sounded like heavy machinery being moved beneath the ranch, and unintelligible voices emanating from the skyKelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)] .

Terrain alterations and unusual landmarks

Other strange phenomena involving dirt, grass, and ice allegedly occurred on the property. These included several hundred pounds of soil being mysteriously removed from the ground, crop circles appearing in long grass on the property and an ice disc found in an irrigation channel. [ Ice Circle Report on Skinwalker Ranch] , NIDS, February 21, 2002] .

Explanations and criticisms

The apparently paranormal activity reported on Skinwalker Ranch has led some individuals and groups to seek viable explanations. Others have countered with criticisms of the claims and the claimants.

Proposed explanations

A range of broad explanations has been put forward to explain the strange phenomena at the ranch.

Some critics have claimedFact|date=February 2007 that the reports are a hoax on the part of the Gorman family, with the support of NIDS or local reporters. Knapp and Kelleher regard a hoax explanation as highly unlikely, citing the detailed NIDS investigation, and the fact that the Gorman family seem to have made their public claims about the strange activity at ranch out of desperation (the family claimed to suffer severe financial hardship due to multiple cattle deaths).Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)]

NIDS considered hallucination or delusion as an explanation for the supposed events; Knapp and Kelleher argued this was a plausible explanation for some of the events witnessed and reported on the ranch, but that it failed to explain all of the phenomena.Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)]

An explanation which has gained support in some circles states that the ranch being a U.S. military testing area for advanced technology, or falling within a broader testing area, could explain many of the things witnessed there. However, as noted by Knapp and Kelleher, this explanation does not fully explain all the phenomena reported from ranch, and is furthermore unconfirmed.Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)]

Some Utes who live in the region believe the phenomena are related to a Navajo curse. Their folklore tells that the Navajo sent Skinwalkers to punish the Ute. The ranch is off limits to the Ute as they are reported to say, "The ranch is in the path of the Skinwalker." [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002] Junior Hicks, a retired schoolteacher and local researcher living in the Uinta region, claims contacts amongst the Ute have told him that the Skinwalker lives in Dark Canyon, beyond the ranch, within a cave decorated with centuries-old petroglyph depicting SkinwalkersFact|date=February 2007.

Another general explanation is the intrusion of alternate realities, parallel universes, higher dimensions, or rips in spacetime, which may be connected with the orange portal. Both the Apache and the Hopi have folk traditions which might be interpreted as depicting travel between different dimensions.Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)] This explanation might explain the diverse array of phenomena encountered at the ranch, but is problematic given the current lack of understanding about time travel and quantum physics.

A somewhat similar explanation revolves around the concept that our understanding of reality is fundamentally flawed. This may be explained by Michael Talbot's ideas that we live in a "holographic universe". Equally, it could be explained by the simulation argument, as put forward by philosophers like Nick Bostrom, which posits that we are living within a very convincing computer program, as popularized by the "The Matrix" movie trilogy. As noted by Knapp and KelleherKelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)] , these ideas are undermined by a lack of solid physical evidence.

Unique geology which ties in the concept of EarthlightsPersinger, M.A. & Derr, J.S. (1985) "Geophysical variables and behavior: XXIII. Relations between UFO reports within the Uinta Basin and local seismicity". Perceptual and Motor Skills. 60. 143 - 52.] , also known as ghost lights, has also been mentioned to explain the broad phenomena reported on the ranch. The fact that the Uintah Basin is the only known major concentration of Gilsonite (also known as uintahite or uintaite) may or may not have some bearing on this. However, a lack of evidence and the scope of the phenomena weaken such an explanation.


Critics of NIDS and the Skinwalker Ranch stories claim that the activity reported at the ranch is problematic for a number of reasons.
*The wide variety of phenomena, and their sporadic appearances, make falsifiable and even quantifiable scientific investigations extremely difficult.Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)]
*Since 1996, the land has belonged to NIDS, a secretive and, by some accounts, inactive organization [ The End of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS)] , Dale Stephens, July 2004] that rarely lets outside groups investigate the ranch's alleged phenomena or verify their findings.
*Paranormal groups and reporters both have a vested interest in sensationalizing and exaggerating the claims, as a means of raising money and/or increasing publication sales. The reporting of George Knapp can be seen as an example of this. [ Path of the Skinwalker] , George Knapp, 28 November 2002]
*NIDS has reported that the paranormal activity has taken a steady nosedive since 2005 [] , George Knapp, 21 December 2005] . This development, combined with NIDS becoming inactive for other reasons has resulted in the Skinwalker Ranch investigation being put on hiatus, and brings into question the veracity of the alleged phenomena in general.
*The accounts by the Gorman family were largely anecdotal, and NIDS investigators were not able to collect enough noteworthy evidence on the ranch to change the minds of skeptical critics. [ The Daily Grail, Review of "Hunt for the Skinwalker"] , Greg, 25 March 2006]

Similar sites

Skinwalker Ranch is unusual thanks to the broad range of the reported phenomena. But there are other paranormal hotspots containing a wide variety of paranormal phenomena, although researchers and investigators often focus on UFO activity.

Specific locations (United States)

*Dulce, New Mexico. NIDS established a presence in the area in 1998 and 1999, based at Mount Archuleta, and interviews with local residents, especially the Jicarilla Apache, revealed large numbers of similar reports (UFOs, Bigfoot, cattle mutilation, etc.).Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George: "Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005 ISBN 1-4165-0521-0)]

*The Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington, an area of increased alleged UFO activity. One family reported voices (some being telepathic), strange noises, poltergeist activity, "shadow men", flying balls of light, flying vehicles and disappearing people.Long, Greg: "Examining the earthlight theory: the Yakima UFO microcosm" (J. Allen Hynek Center, 1990 ISBN 0-929343-57-3)]

*Elbert County, Colorado, where one family encountered strange aircraft, numerous Bigfoot sightings, cattle mutilations, mysterious voices and encounters with humanoids and flying vehicles as well as a strange small box which "stole a tree".Good, Timothy: "Alien Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed". Chapter 3: Colorado Breakthrough (Quill, 1994 ISBN 0-688-13510-2)]

*San Luis Valley in south-central Colorado, where local journalist Chris O’Brien has charted a wide range of unusual phenomena and describes the area as a "paranormal Disneyland" [ Creatures, Human and Otherwise, Of The San Luis Valley] , Sean Casteel] .

*Sedona, Arizona, which, as well as its famous vortex and New Age beliefs, has one ranch, belonging to the Bradshaw family, that has reported similar events including strange lights, Sasquatches, cattle and dog mutilation, alleged encounters with "greys" and a portal through which they could see another world.Dongo, Tom & Bradshaw, Linda: "Merging Dimensions: The Opening Portals of Sedona" (Light Technology Publications, 1995 ISBN 0-9622748-4-4)]

*Bridgewater Triangle in southeastern Massachusetts and notably the Hockomock Swamp of which the name translates to "Place Where Spirits Dwell." Since colonial times the area has been a site of alleged paranormal phenomenon, ranging from UFO and "black helicopter" sightings (including many with multiple points of corroboration including police and a local news anchorman), to poltergeists to orbs, balls of fire and other spectral phenomena, always a various "bigfoot" sightings, giant snakes, and 'thunderbird' giant birds, as well as the mutilation of cattle and other livestock. Near by is the Dighton Rock the source of great controversy concerning possible pre-Columbian visitors ranging from Vikings, to Portuguese to Phoenicians. Similar to other sites the described, the area was the site of some of history's bloodiest battles involving Native Americans. The reported activity directly parallels that described in "The Hunt for the Skinwalker" yet has occurred over the course of many decades.

Common characteristics

It is worth noting that these similar locations share some of the following characteristics with Skinwalker Ranch:
*They are situated in rural areas
*The annual income of a large majority of nearby residents is lower than the national average Fact|date=April 2007
*There are military bases relatively close by
*Many areas have a strong local Native American and UFO theorist presence

The connection between Skinwalker Ranch, these other similar locations and Native Americans is of particular significance. Several hotspots hosting similar alleged phenomena to those reported at Skinwalker Ranch are connected in some way to the Ute.



See also

*John Keel, who reported similar overlapping anomalous phenomena in his investigations.
*Hessdalen, Norway, one of the few other localities that has been subjected to long-running scientific explanation of mystery lights (known as Hessdalen lights) and related phenomena.


*The alternative newsweekly, [ "Las Vegas Mercury"] , referenced herein, ceased publishing in March 2005. George Knapp's column, "Knappster", was moved to [ "Las Vegas CityLife"] , also owned by Stephens Media Group.

External links

* [ NIDS homepage] which contains two preliminary reports:
** [ Three Reports of Unusual Killing and Mutilation of Calves]
** [ Report on an Ice Circle in NE Utah, 21 February 2002]
* [ Path of the Skinwalker] the original news article which broke the story. Published in two parts on 21 November 2002 and 28 November 2002 in the Las Vegas Mercury.
* [ Official site for the book, "Hunt for the Skinwalker"]
* [ Las Vegas Based Scientists Study "Skinwalker Ranch"]
* [ Utah's UFO Ranch]
* [ NIDS Studies Paranormal Ranch]
* [ NIDS — Robert Bigelow]
* [ Bad Medicine, part one] of a multipart blog entry on the topic
* [ Bad Medicine, part two]
* [ The End of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS)]
* [,-109.887861&spn=0.002096,0.004442&t=h Google Maps picture of the ranch]
* [] - Article comparing the phenomenon to the region's Native American Ancestral heritage and religious practices.


* [ Coast to Coast AM Radio - George Knapp & Colm Kelleher Interview (Original:1/10/2006 Rebroadcast:1/3/2007) (MP3/Windows Media Audio/Real Audio for Members)]
* [ Binnall of America - Colm Kelleher Interview (January 21, 2006)(MP3)]
* [ Jerry Pippin Show - George Knapp & Colm Kelleher Interview (Windows Media Audio)]
* [ Dreamland with Whitley Strieber - "Search for the Skinwalker" Interview with Colm Kelleher (Original broadcast 08/26/06) MP3 download for subscribers]

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