- Ja'Alin
Ja'alin (from Jd'al, to settle, i.e. " the squatters "), an
African tribe ofSemitic stock. They formerly occupied the country on both banks of theNile from Khartum to Abu Hamed. They claim to be of theKoreish tribe and even trace descent from Abbas, uncle of the prophet. They are of Arab origin, but now of mixed blood. According to their own tradition they emigrated toNubia in the 12th century. They were at one time subject to theFunj kings, but their position was in a measure independent. At the Egyptian invasion in 1820 they were the most powerful of Arab tribes in the Nile valley. They submitted at first, but in 1822 rebelled and massacred the Egyptian garrison at Shendi. The revolt was mercilessly suppressed, and the Ja'alin were thenceforward looked on with suspicion. They were almost the first of the northern tribes to join themahdi in1884 , and it was their position to the north of Khartum which made communication withGeneral Gordon so difficult. The Ja'alin are now a semi-nomad agricultural people. Many are employed inKhartum as scribes and watchmen. They are a proud religious people, formerly notorious as cruel slave dealers.Johann Ludwig Burckhardt says the true Ja'alin from the eastern desert is exactly like theBedouin of easternArabia .
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