Fleet problem

Fleet problem

Fleet problem was the term by the U.S. Navy to describe each of twenty one large-scale naval exercises conducted between 1923 and 1940. They are labeled with roman numerals, from Fleet Problem I through Fleet Problem XXI. A twenty-second Fleet Problem exercise scheduled for 1941 was canceled because of the Second World War.

The fleet problems were usually once a year exercises in which U.S. naval forces would engage in mock battles. One or more of the forces would play the part of a European or Asian navy. They were the culmination of the Navy's annual training maneuvers.

Fleet Problems

Fleet Problem I

Fleet Problem I was held in February and March 1923 and was staged off the coast of Panama.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/y1/yarborough.htm | title = Yarborough | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ] The attacking Black force, using battleships to represent aircraft carriers, tested the defenses of the Panama Canal. A single plane launched from USS|Oklahoma|BB-37|2 — representing a carrier air group — dropped 10 miniature bombs and theoretically "destroyed" the spillway of the Gatun Dam .cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/w11/wright-i.htm | title = Wright | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ]

Fleet Problems II, III, IV

Fleet Problems II, III, and IV were held concurrently in January and February 1924 took place in the Caribbean and simulated actions that might occur in the Pacific.

Fleet Problem II

Fleet Problem II simulated the first leg of a westward advance across the Pacific.

Fleet Problem III

This exercise focused on a defense of the Panama Canal from the Caribbean side. The Blue force was defending the canal from an attack from the Caribbean by the Black force, operating from an advance base in the Azores. It was to practice amphibious landing techniques and the rapidity of transiting a fleet through the canal from the Pacific side.cite web | url = http://www.strategypage.com/cic/docs/cic127b.asp | title = From the Archives | publisher = Strategy Page | date = 2008 | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ]

In the exercise, a Black force special operations action resulted in the "sinking" of Blue force battleship USS|New York|BB-34|2 in the Culebra Cut which would have blocked the canal.

Fleet Problem IV

This problem simulated the movement from a main base in the western Pacific to the Japanese home islands—represented in that case by islands, cities, and countries surrounding the Caribbean.

Fleet Problem V

Fleet Problem V was held in March and April 1925 and simulated an attack on Hawaii.McCue, p. 14] The Black force, the aggressor, was given aircraft carrier USS|Langley|CV-1|2 along with two seaplane tenders and other ships outfitted with aircraft, while the defending Blue force had no carriers. In addition, aircraft aboard battleship USS|Wyoming|BB-32|2 could not be launched for lack of a working catapult. "Langley"’s positive performance helped speed the completion of aircraft carriers USS|Lexington|CV-2|3 and USS|Saratoga|CV-3|3.

One aspect of Fleet Problem V was conducted near Guadalupe Island off Baja California and involved attacking a lightly held position and refueling at sea.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/s1/s-28.htm | title = S-28 | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ] cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/w9/william_jones.htm | title = William Jones | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ]

Fleet Problem VI

Held off the west coast of Central America in early 1926.

Fleet Problem VII

This fleet problem was held March 1927 and involved defense of the Panama Canal. Wildenberg, pp. 144–48] The highlight of the exercise was USS|Langley|CV-1|2’s successful air raid on the Panama Canal.

Fleet Problem VIII

Held in April 1928 between California and Hawaii and pitted Orange, a cruiser force from Pearl Harbor, versus Blue, the Battle Force.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/s14/sloat-i.htm | title = Sloat | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ] cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/a11/argonne-ii.htm | title = Argonne | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ] It also involved a convoy search and antisubmarine operations.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/s1/s-45.htm | title = S-45 | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ]

Fleet Problem IX

This scenario in January 1929 studied the effects of an attack upon the Panama Canal and conducted the operations necessary to carry out such an eventuality, and pitted the Battle Fleet (less submarines and USS|Lexington|CV-2|3) against a combination of forces including the Scouting Force (augmented by "Lexington"), the Control Forces, Train Squadron 1, and 15th Naval District and local Army defense forces.

Fleet Problem X

Held in 1930 in Caribbean waters.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/s12/sicard.htm | title = Sicard | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ]

Fleet Problem XI

Held in 1931 in the Caribbean.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/s7/schenck.htm | title = Schenk | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ]

Fleet Problem XII

Held in 1930 in Hawaiian waters.

Fleet Problem XIII

Held in 1932. The Pearl Harbor fleet was destroyed in a mock attack by 150 planes in 1932. [cite web | url = http://txspace.tamu.edu/bitstream/1969.1/2658/1/etd-tamu-2005B-HIST-Wadle.pdf | title = etd-tamu-2005B-HIST-Wadle | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ] In spite of the great success of the air attack, the conductors concluded such an attack would be too dangerous to carry out safely. The Japanese attack on Pearl nine years later was almost identical to this Problem.

Fleet Problem XIV

Held in 1933.

Fleet Problem XV

Held in May 1934 in Hawaii, this was a three-phased exercise which encompassed an attack upon and defense of the Panama Canal, the capture of advanced bases, and a major fleet engagement.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/w4/waters.htm | title = Waters | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ]

Fleet Problem XVI

Held in May 1936 in the northern Pacific off the coast of Alaska and in waters surrounding the Hawaiian Islands, this operation was divided into five distinct phases which were thought to be aspects of some real naval campaign of the future in which the United States would take the strategic offensive.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/t9/tuscaloosa-i.htm | title = Tuscaloosa | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ]

Fleet Problem XVII

This problem took place off the west coast of the United States, Central America, and the Panama Canal Zone in the spring of 1936. It was a five phase exercise devoted to preparing the fleet for antisubmarine operations, testing communications systems, and training of aircraft patrol squadrons for extended fleet operations, and pitted the Battle Force against the submarine-augmented Scouting Force.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/a15/aylwin-iii.htm | title = Aylwin | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate=2008-03-01 ]

Fleet Problem XVIII

This exercise was held in May 1937 in Alaskan waters and in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands and Midway, practicing the tactics of seizing advanced base sites - a technique later to be polished to a high degree into close support and amphibious warfare doctrines.

Fleet Problem XIX

This operation in April and May 1938 gave the Navy added experience in search tactics; in the use of submarines, destroyers, and aircraft in scouting and attack, in the dispositions of the Fleet and the conduct of a major fleet battle. In addition, the exercise again dealt with the matter of seizing advanced fleet bases and defending them against minor opposition. Fleet Problem XIX also tested the capabilities of the Hawaiian Defense Force, augmenting it with fleet units to help to defend the islands against the United States Fleet as a whole. The last phase of the exercise exercised the Fleet in operations against a defended coastline.

Fleet Problem XX

Took place in February 1939 in the Caribbean and Atlantic, and observed in person by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/u2/utah.htm | title = Utah | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-02-28 ] cite news | url = http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,760742,00.html?iid=chix-sphere | title = Strong Arm | work = Time | date = 1939-02-20 | accessdate = 2008-02-29 ] The exercise simulated the defense of the East Coast of the United States and Latin America by the Black team from the invading White team.cite news | url = http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,771265,00.html | title = Fleet Problem XX | work = Time | date = 1939-01-09 | accessdate = 2008-02-29 ] Participating in the maneuvers were 134 ships, 600 planes, and over 52,000 officers and men.

Fleet Problem XXI

An eight-phased operation for the defense of the Hawaiian area in April 1940.cite DANFS | short = yes | url = http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/s11/shaw-ii.htm | title = Shaw | work = Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships | publisher = United States Navy | date = | accessdate = 2008-03-01 ]

Fleet Problem XXII

Scheduled for the Spring of 1941, but cancelled.




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