- Vespula
image_width = 250px
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
classis =Insect a
ordo =Hymenoptera
familia =Vespid ae
subfamilia =Vespinae
genus = "Vespula"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =23 species"Vespula" is a small
genus of socialwasp s, widely distributed in theNorthern Hemisphere . Along with members of their sister genus "Dolichovespula ", they are collectively known by thecommon name yellowjacket s (or yellow-jackets) inNorth America . "Vespula" species have a shorter oculo-malar space (shown in the figure below) and a more pronounced tendency to nest underground than "Dolichovespula".Notable species
* Two of the common European species (the
German wasp , "Vespula germanica" and thecommon wasp , "Vespula vulgaris") have been established inNorth America , southernAfrica ,New Zealand , and easternAustralia .* The
Eastern Yellowjacket , "Vespula maculifrons ", andWestern Yellowjacket , "Vespula pensylvanica ", are native to North America.
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