Jaroslav Havlicek — Jaroslav Havlíček (* 3. Februar 1896; † 7. April 1943), war tschechischer Schriftsteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke 3 Literatur 4 In deutscher Sprache publiziert … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jaroslav Havlíček — (* 3. Februar 1896; † 7. April 1943), war tschechischer Schriftsteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke 3 Literatur 4 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hedvig Malina — The native form of this personal name is Malina Hedvig. This article uses the Western name order. Hedvig Malina (Slovak: Hedviga Malinová) is an ethnic Hungarian student[1][2] from Horné Mýto (Hungarian: Vámosfalu), Slovakia, who was physically… … Wikipedia
List of Czechs — This is a partial list of famous Czech, and Czech intelligible people. This list includes people of the Czech nationality as well as people having some significant Czech ancestry or association with Czech culture. Note: If you wish to add a name… … Wikipedia
Scenography — is the practice of making theatre including sets, costumes and texts from a theoretical and practical point of view. Scenographers work from the premise of a space that is constructed, updated, transformed and filled. The role of the scenographer … Wikipedia
Masaryk University — This article is about Masaryk University in Brno established in 1919. For the 1778 1782 University in Brno, see Palacký University of Olomouc. Masaryk University Masarykova univerzita Latin: Universitas Masar … Wikipedia
Ilja Hurník — (* 25. November 1922 in Poruba) ist ein tschechischer Komponist und Pianist. Leben Hurník studierte am Prager Konservatorium Klavier bei Vilém Kurz und Komposition bei … Deutsch Wikipedia
Marek Zvelebil — Marek Zvelebil, FSA (1952–2011) was a Czech Dutch archaeologist and prehistorian, considered amongst the most important and influential archaeological thinkers of his generation .[1] … Wikipedia
Havlíček — Jaroslav Havlíček (* 3. Februar 1896; † 7. April 1943), war tschechischer Schriftsteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke 3 Literatur 4 In deutscher Sprache publiziert … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oil Lamps (film) — Oil Lamps Directed by Juraj Herz Written by Meir Dohnal Jaroslav Havlíček Juraj Herz Václav Šašek Starring Iva Janžurová, Petr Čepek Cin … Wikipedia