

name = hipergate
caption = hipergate 3.0.21

developer = [http://www.knowgate.es/ KnowGate]
latest_release_version = 3.0.21
latest_release_date = release date and age|2007|3|27
operating_system = Windows, Linux, Unix
genre = CRM
license = [http://www.hipergate.org/license/ hipergate Public License] (based on the Mozilla, Apache and the GNU General Public License, very close to GPLv3)
website = [http://www.hipergate.org hipergate.org]

hipergate is an open source web-based application suite. It is released under the [http://www.hipergate.org/license/ hipergate Public License] , which covers all open source requirements, and is very similar to GPLv3

Functional Modules

hipergate includes 7 different modules by default. Every module can be activated in a user/group/domain basis.

;Collaborative tools and Groupware Module:Includes discussion forums, shared calendar, agenda, TO-DO lists and resource management.

;Contact Management Module:Covers the most common CRM tasks, such as Call Tracking, Contact management (company/person/address), Business opportunities and Distribuition Lists.

;Project Management and Support Issues Tracking Module:Can handle projects, tasks, bugs, support requests and incidences.

;eShop Module:Complete shop catalogue, with multiple warehouse control, stock flow, pricing policies, invoices.

;Content Management Module:Web-based page builder (future versions will handle wiki syntax)

;Massive Email Module:Template-driven emails, with optional response tracking.

;Corporate Library:Shared virtual disk among all users, based on HTTP/HTTPS.


hipergate is a 100% pure Java, server-based application. That means you only need a web browser to access to all features. Any Servlet/JSP compatible web-server can handle it.

Information is stored in a Relational Database. In 2.x releases, you can use PostgreSQL, Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server. Newer 3.x versions can use MySQL 5, IBM DB2 and Cloudscape.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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