Shibin El Kom

Shibin El Kom

Shibin el Kom (Arabic: شبين الكوم) is a city in Lower Egypt and the capital of the Monufia Governorate.

The most important central and local government offices are located in it, as well as the main branches of Menoufia University. The city has several public and private schools, hospitals, a large stadium, telecommunication central office of Telecom Egypt, internet service providers, organized trade unions (medical, commercial, agriculture, engineering, etc.), athletic teams, political parties and social organizations and a chamber of commerce.

While the city is not a new one, its infrastructure is being modernized. The economy of the city depends on industry, commerce and to less extent on agriculture.

Menoufians are active participants in the political process in Egypt. The current president Hosni Mubarak is from Kafr El-Messilha. President Anwar Sadat was also from Menoufia. Recent statistical stimates (2006) show that the city has a population of 0.63 million, which is 18.87% of the total population of the governorate, with a population density of 2010 persons per square kilometer (this includes the El-Batanoon, Bakhaty, Istobari, El-May, El-Messilha, Miligue, Shanawan and Shubrakheet).

Shobrabas as one of the biggest villages around sheben shobrabas is famous to be a village of great persons like shiek Elbanna.

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