

:"A trigram may also refer to Bagua, a philosophical concept in ancient China. It may also refer to a three-letter acronym.Trigrams are a special case of the N-gram, where N is 3. They are often used in natural language processing for doing statistical analysis of texts.


The sentence "the quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog" has the following word level trigrams:

the quick red quick red fox red fox jumps fox jumps over jumps over the over the lazy lazy brown dog

And the word-level trigram "the quick red" has the following character-level trigrams (where an underscore "_" marks a space): the qui k_r he_ uic _re e_q ick red _qu ck_

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  • Trigram — Tri gram, n. [Pref. tri + gram.] Same as {Trigraph}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • trigram — [trī′gram΄] n. 1. a graphic unit made up of three parts, as a trigraph 2. a group of three solid or broken lines making up half of a hexagram in the I CHING …   English World dictionary

  • Trigram search — is a powerful method of searching for text when the exact syntax or spelling of the target object is not precisely known. It finds objects which match the maximum number of three character strings in the entered search terms, i.e. near matches. A …   Wikipedia

  • Trigram tagger — A trigram tagger is a statistical part of speech tagger based on second order Markov models. It is trained on a text corpus as a method to predict the next word, taking the product of the probabilities of unigram, bigram and trigram. In speech… …   Wikipedia

  • Trigram (disambiguation) — The term Trigram refers to:*A trigram may refer to Bagua, a philosophical concept in ancient China. *It may also refer to a three letter acronym. *Trigrams and digrams (also called bigrams) are ordered triplets and pairs, respectively, of any… …   Wikipedia

  • trigram — noun Date: 1606 1. trigraph 2 2. any of the eight possible combinations of three whole or broken lines used especially in Chinese divination …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • trigram — noun In Chinese Taoism, a symbol composed of three marks each of two types (creating 8 possible symbols) which are used for philosophical discussion and divination (fortunetelling) …   Wiktionary

  • trigram — [ trʌɪgram] noun 1》 a trigraph. 2》 each of the eight figures formed of three parallel lines that combine to form the sixty four hexagrams of the I Ching …   English new terms dictionary

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