

Kasulu is one of the 4 districts of the Kigoma Region of Tanzania. It is bordered to the North by Burundi, to the East by the Kibondo District and to the South by the Kigoma Rural and Kigoma Urban Districts.

According to the 2002 Tanzania National Census, the population of the Kasulu District was 628,677. [http://www.tanzania.go.tz/census/census/districts/kasulu.htm]


The Kasulu District is administratively divided into 20 wards:

* Buhigwe
* Buhoro
* Heru Ushingo
* Janda
* Kagera Nkanda
* Kajana
* Kasulu Mjini
* Kigondo
* Kilelema
* Kitagata
* Kitanga
* Kwaga
* Msambara
* Muhinda
* Muhunga
* Munanila
* Munyegera
* Murufiti
* Muyama
* Muzenze
* Muzye
* Nyakitonto
* Nyamidaho
* Nyamnyusi
* Nyamugali
* Ruhita
* Rungwe Mpya
* Rusaba
* Rusesa
* Titye


* [http://www.tanzania.go.tz/census/census/districts/kasulu.htm Kasulu District Homepage for the 2002 Tanzania National Census]

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