Valor Del Corazon

Valor Del Corazon

Infobox Album | Name = Valor Del Corazon
Type = Album
Artist = Ginger

Released = 19 December 2005 (Order online)
9 January 2006 (Shops)
Recorded = 2005
Genre = Rock
Length = 1:19:31
Label = Round Records
Producer = Ginger, Ralph Jezzard
Reviews =
Last album = "A Break In The Weather" (2005)
This album = "Valor Del Corazon" (2005)
Next album = "Yoni" (2007)

"Valor Del Corazon" is the first solo album to be released by Ginger (of rock band The Wildhearts). It initially had a limited mail order release on 19 December 2005, with a full release to the shops on 9 January 2006 and features 19 tracks spread across two CDs. The earliest editions of the album can be identified by a "V" placed on the back cover photograph and Valor spelt "Vaolr" on the side of the album case.

The album was produced by Ralph Jezzard who had previously produced the seminal Wildhearts album "Endless, Nameless".

Tracks listing

Disc 1:
#"Ugly" (2:37)
#"Mother City" (3:37)
#"G.T.T." (4:08)
#"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" (4:21)
#"This Is Only A Problem" (3:52)
#"Ten Flaws Down" (7:10)
#"Paramour" (2:26)
#"The Man Who Cheated Death" (4:29)

Disc 2:
#"The Drunken Lord Of Everything" (2:50)
#"L.O.V.E." (5:36)
#"The Way" (3:58)
#"Drinking In The Daytime" (6:28)
#"Keep It Cool" (6:02)
#"Only Lonely" (4:35)
#"Your Mouth" (2:22)
#"Change" (2:41)
#"My Friend The Enemy" (5:28)
#"Bulb" (3:52)
#"Something To Believe In" (2:59)

The Title

Before the album's release, Ginger announced that its title, "Valor Del Corazon", was Spanish for "strength of heart". On [ his website] , he comments on what appears to be a grammatical error:

"I have Spanish and Mexican friends and I obviously asked them for the correct way of translating that title literally. They all told me that the proper way to say it is Valor DE Corazon. Thing is, I woke up one morning with the title right in my face, and while I know it isn't text book Spanish, I was getting tons of spiritual information, divine support and genuine paranormal weirdness around me. So much so that I took it for granted that this was completely natural within the whole 'fixing yourself' process. Anyway, I wasn't going to argue with an album title given to me from sources beyond my surroundings. So, as illiterate as it may read to my Spanish speaking fans I stuck with it!"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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