- Georges Sada
Infobox Military Person
name= Georges Hormiz Sada
lived= circa 1939 –
placeofbirth= Northern Iraq
caption= Georges Sada
serviceyears= From (or before) 1959 to 1986
rank=Air Vice-Marshal Sada is often described as a General which is the generic equivalent of Air Marshal and is more commonly understood in the United States.]
branch=Iraqi Air Force
laterwork= Iraqi National Security AdvisorGeneral Georges Hormiz Sada (aka Gewargis or George Hormis;
Arabic : كوركيس هرمز ساده, Syriac: ܓܘܪܓܝܣ ܗܪܡܙ ܣܕܐ; born 1939?) is anIraq i of Assyrian descent, anauthor and retired general officer of theIraqi Air Force .Sada was born to an Assyrian family [http://frontpagemagazine.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=21873 (see his account)] in Northern Iraq, that belonged to the
Chaldean Catholic Church before becoming a 'born-again' Christian. In 1959 he graduated from the Iraqi Air Academy, and over the following years served as an Air Force Officer, including stints studying overseas in Britain, the USSR and theUnited States . Through 1964-1965 he was a student atLackland Air Force Base inTexas .He officially retired in 1986 as a
2 star officer , but was called back to active service for the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. According to his autobiography, he was briefly imprisoned in 1991 for refusing to executePOW s. He was told that Saddam didn't want him harmed but that he never wanted to see him again either.After the
2003 Invasion of Iraq , Sada sided with the US-led government, and served as spokesman for the interim leaderIyad Allawi , and was appointed as National Security Advisor.In August 2004 Sada announced that he would be signing a bill to introduce the
death penalty for those "threatening national security". ( [http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/69F4969F-E69D-4472-B854-357E97B6FAF6.htm on al-Jazeera] )He serves as the Senior Warden of the St. Georges Anglican Church and as the President of the National Presbyterian Church, both in
Baghdad . The former President of the Evangelical Churches of Iraq, Sada is also chairman of the Assembly of Iraqi Evangelical Presbyterian Churches. He has been active in advocating that Iraq was historically Christian in nature, and not Muslim.On January 24th 2006, he announced the publication of a book he had written entitled "Saddam's Secrets: How an Iraqi General Defied And Survived Saddam Hussein", with the tagline "An insider exposes plans to destroy Israel, hide WMDs and control the Arab world." [http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6291124.html#review3] Sada, the former
Air Vice-Marshal under Hussein, appeared the following day onFox News 'Hannity & Colmes , where he discussed his book and reported that other pilots told him that Hussein had ordered them to fly portions of the WMD stockpiles to Damascus inSyria just prior to the2003 Invasion of Iraq .Well, I want to make it clear, very clear to everybody in the world that we "had" the weapon of mass destruction in Iraq, and the regime used them against our Iraqi people...I know it because I have got the captains of the Iraqi airway that were my friends, and they told me these weapons of mass destruction had been moved to Syria. Iraq had some projects for nuclear weapons but it was destroyed in 1981. (When asked if there was any chance there were nuclear weapons or on their way to nuclear weapons when USA invaded, he said): Not in Iraq. [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,182932,00.html]
His claims, though, tend to contradict the findings of the
Duelfer Report , which "judged that it was unlikely that an official transfer of WMD material from Iraq to Syria took place," though analysts were unable to rule out the possibility.Sada made a guest appearance on
The Daily Show onMarch 21st ,2006 to promote "Saddam's Secrets".Footnotes
* [http://www.aproundtable.org/tps30info/sada.html American Policy Roundtable - General Georges Sada]
ee also
Al Qa'qaa high explosives controversy
*WMD theories in the aftermath of the 2003 Iraq War
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.