

Sabinus (Latin, Sabine, ie from the Sabine region - feminine form Sabina), can refer to:

* Sabinus (mythology), the fabled ancestor of the Sabines, an ancient people that lived in Latium, Italy before the founding of Rome.
* Quintus Titurius Sabinus, a Roman commander killed at the start of the Belgic revolt in 54 BC
* Gaius Valarius Sabinus, finance minister during the rule of Aurelian
* Sabinus (Ovid), friend of Ovid
* Publius Sabinus, appointed praetorian prefect by Vitellius on his accession, despite then only being a praefectus cohortis. (Tac. Hist. ii. 92, iii. 36.)
* Titus Flavius Sabinus, name of four major figures
* Cornelius Sabinus, conspirator against Caligula
* Saint Sabinus (d. 304), martyr
* Sabinus, 3rd century bishop of Seville who buried the bodies of Justa and Rufina
* Sabinus of Hermopolis, a Christian martyr of Egypt
* Sabinus (4th century), 4th century historian
* Sabinus (6th century), bishop of Canosa
* Saint Sabinus, bishop of Catania (760)
* Sabinus (15th century), a 15th-century historian
* Sabinus, Roman jurist

See also

* List of Sabini, for a more detailed list


* [ Smith]

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