Asociaţia Ghidelor şi Ghizilor din România

Asociaţia Ghidelor şi Ghizilor din România

infobox WorldScouting
type = organization

image-size = 140px
caption =
name = Asociaţia Ghidelor şi Ghizilor din România
headquarters =
location =
country = Romania
f-date = 1928/1990
founder =
award-for =
members = 627
chiefscouttitle =
chiefscout =
owner =
website = []
affiliation = World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

The Asociaţia Ghidelor şi Ghizilor din România (AGGR) is the national Guiding organization of Romania. Guiding in Romania began in 1928, was restarted in 1990 and became a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) in 1993. The coeducational organization has 627 members (as of 2003).


The first Romanian Guide groups were founded in 1928. The organizer and Chief of the Guides Movement was Princess Ileana, the daughter of Queen Marie. However, activities ceased in 1938 due to political constraints, and contact was lost.

In 1990, after the political change in Romania, a committee was formed to restart Guiding in Romania upon the initiative of members of the Greek Soma Hellinidon Odigon. The "Asociaţia Ghidelor şi Ghizilor din România" was set up in 1990 and became a corporate body on March 1, 1991. Until 1993, the association was widely supported by WAGGGS-representatives and by the Greek Guides.

The AGGR became an associate member of the WAGGGS in 1993, and received full membership in 2005. While working towards full membership, the AGGR started a partnership with the Swiss Guide and Scout Movement.

The AGGR held its first national camp in summer 2006.

Program and ideals

The Girl Guide emblem incorporates the blue color of Transylvania and the gold color of Wallachia; these are also the international Girl Guiding colors.

The association is divided in four age-groups:
* Flori - Flowers (ages 7 to 11)
* Ghizi - Guides (ages 11 to 14)
* Ghizi Mari - Senior Guides (ages 14 to 18)
* Aventurieri - Adventure Guides (ages 18 to 25)

Guide Promise, Law and Motto

Promisiunea Ghizilor - "Guide Promise"

:Promit din tot sufletul slujesc pe Dumnezeu şi ţara, ajut pe ceilalţi oameni în orice moment, respect Legea Ghizilor în funcţie de credinţă.:"On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to my God and my country, to help other people at all times, to obey the Guide Law."

Legea Ghizilor - "Guide Law":Într-o Ghidă poţi avea întotdeauna încredere. - "A Guide's honour is to be trusted.":O Ghidă este cinstită. - "A Guide is loyal.":O Ghidă trebuie fie de folos celor din jur. - "A Guides's duty is to be useful and to help others.":O Ghidă este prietena tuturor şi sora celorlalte fete Ghizi. - "A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide.":O Ghidă se respectă pe sine, îi respectă pe ceilalţi şi se poartă politicos. - "A Guide is courteous.":O Ghidă iubeşte natura şi o protejează. - "A Guide loves nature and protects it.":O Ghidă este ascultătoare. - "A Guide is obedient.":O Ghidă înfruntă greutăţile cântând şi surâzând. - "A Guide meets difficulties singing and smiling.":O Ghidă are grijă de bunurile personale şi de cele comune. - "A Guide is thrifty.":O Ghidă este pură în gând, cuvânt şi fapt. - "A Guide is pure in thought, in word and in deed."

The Guide Motto (Mottoul Ghizilor) is "Fii pregătită" ("Be prepared").

Flower Promise, Law and Motto

Flower Promise:Promit din tot sufletul fiu credincioasă lui Dumnezeu şi ţării, ajut pe cei din jurul meu şi respect Legea Florilor.:"I heartly promise to be faithful to God and my country, to help my fellow men and to observe the Flower Law."

Flower Law:O Floare este veselă şi ascultătoare, nu se gândeşte numai la ea şi îi iubeşte pe ceilalţi.:"A Flower is cheerful and listens well, she doesn't think only of herself, and loves others."

The Flower Motto is " mâna!" ("Lend a hand").

See also

* Scouting in Romania
* Cercetaşii României
* Organizaţia Naţională a Scouţilor din Moldova


* World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, World Bureau (1997), "Trefoil Round the World". Eleventh Edition 1997. ISBN 0-900827-75-0

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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