- Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert
An Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert (IAVA) is an announcement of a
computer application software oroperating system vulnerability notification in the form of alerts, bulletins, and technical advisories identified by DoD-CERT, a division of theJoint Task Force-Global Network Operations . These selected vulnerabilities are the mandated baseline, or minimum configuration of all hosts residing on the GIG. JTF GNO analyzes eachvulnerability and determines if is necessary or beneficial to the Department of Defense to release it as an IAVA. Implementation of IAVA policy will help ensure that DoD Components take appropriate mitigating actions against vulnerabilities to avoid serious compromises to DoD computer system assets that would potentially degrade mission performance.Information Assurance Vulnerability Management Program
The COCOMs, Services, and Agencies and field activities are required to implement vulnerability notifications in the form of alerts, bulletins, and technical advisories. USSTRATCOM has the authority to direct corrective actions, which may ultimately include disconnection of any enclave, or affected system on the enclave, not in compliance with the IAVA program directives and vulnerability response measures (i.e. communication tasking orders or messages). USSTRATCOM and JTF GNO will coordinate with all affected organizations to determine operational impact to the DoD before instituting a disconnection.
On February 15, 1998, the Deputy, Secretary of Defense issued a classified memorandum,
Information Assurance , which instructed the DISA, with the assistanceof the Military Departments, to develop an alert system that ensured positive control of information assurance. According to the memorandum, the alert system should:* Identify a system administrator to be the point of contact for each relevant network system,
* Send alert notifications to each point of contact,
* Require confirmation by each point of contact acknowledging receipt of each alert notification,
* Establish a date for the corrective action to be implemented, and enable DISA to confirm whether the correction has been implemented.The Deputy, Secretary of Defense issued an Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert (IAVA) policy memorandum on December 30, 1999. Current events of the time demonstrated that widely known vulnerabilities exist throughout DoD networks, with the potential to severely degrade mission performance. The policy memorandum instructs the DISA to develop and maintain an IAVA
database system that would ensure a positive control mechanism for system administrators to receive, acknowledge, and comply with system vulnerability alert notifications. The IAVA policy requires the COCOM's, Services, and Agencies to register and report their acknowledgement of and compliance with the IAVAdatabase . According to the policy memorandum, the compliance data to be reported should include the number of assets affected, the number of assets in compliance, and the number of assets with waivers.External links
* [http://www.dodig.osd.mil/Audit/reports/fy01/01-013.pdf] Office of the Inspector General, DoD Compliance with the Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert Policy, Dec 2001.
* [http://www.dtic.mil/cjcs_directives/cdata/unlimit/6510_01.pdf] Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction, 6510.01E, August 2007.
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