Sam A

Sam A

Sam A village (三椏村) in the northeastern New Territories of Hong Kong is named after the idyllic bay of Sam A Wan (三椏灣).

In its heyday in the 1950s and 1960s, there were more than 200 residents here, but at the end of the 1960s most of the men left the village to seek employment in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Today, the Tsang ancestral hall and the abandoned three-village school still stand, but there is little life here on a week-day.

On week-ends, however, some Tsang clan members return to their ancestral village to run a couple of stores that offer food and lodgings for the ever increasing number of visitors. Still, even today, Sam A is still only accessible by boat or hiking.

ee also

* List of villages in Hong Kong

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