- Alt.suicide.holiday
alt.suicide.holiday (a.s.h, ASH or ash) is a
Usenet newsgroup , now [http://groups.google.com/group/alt.suicide.holiday/ accessible] via Google Groups. Its original purpose was to discuss the relationship betweensuicide rates andholiday seasons. However, it has since evolved into a broad discussion forum where suicidal and depressed people can openly share their thoughts. Some participants are not suicidal but post to provide psychological support and other input to suicidal or depressed posters.According to itsFAQ , its purpose is neither to encourage nor discourage suicide.ASH culture
Participants who share the core values that have developed around the group are "ashers", and "ashspace" is a broader term for online communities historically associated with but distinct from the newsgroup, including the alt.suicide.methods newsgroup, other discussion and chat groups, and web pages.
The community has developed its own unique terminology. "Catch the bus" refers to the act of suicide, and the group is described as:
:"a bus stop where several people have decided to stop and chat before deciding on whether or not to get on the bus". [http://ashbusstop.org/Subculture.html#section-4.]
Newcomers are traditionally greeted with::"Welcome to ASH, sorry you're here." [http://ashbusstop.org/Subculture.html#section-2.1.]
The newsgroup is unmoderated and subject to a high level of trolling. This has caused some members to leave the newsgroup, for instance to moderated, troll-free mailing lists or forums.
ASH is infamous for its association with the ASH Methods File, a list of possible methods for suicide, ranging from the serious (e.g., lists of
poison s and their effects) to the absurd (e.g., startingWorld War 3 ). However, since legally available books likeFinal Exit byDerek Humphry andThe Peaceful Pill Handbook byPhilip Nitschke provide more detailed information on suicide methods now, the ASH Methods File has lost its importance and is not maintained any more.In addition, related
Internet Relay Chat channels exist on several networks.Coexistence of pro-choice and pro-life points of view
Because ASH is a non-moderated
Usenet newsgroup, it is technically impossible to ban any person from posting to ASH. A ban by one provider likeGoogle Groups would be inefficient because the person could easily switch to any other Usenet provider carrying ASH.Because of this, ASH cannot be classified as being pro-choice or pro-life: posters in the newsgroup represent wide range of positions from strict anti-suicide to right-to-die.
ASH is not a website
ASH is often mistakenly called a website; in fact it is a
Usenet newsgroup fromAlt.* hierarchy and not a website. This makes a significant legal difference and allows ASH to exist despite attempts to close suicide websites. Unlike websites,Usenet newsgroups are not regulated by any central authority and there is no organization or individual responsible for a particular newsgroup.Websites like
Google groups solely provide access to newsgroups like ASH and are not affiliated with it in any way.Effects of suicide newsgroups like ASH
Emotional support, ability to talk openly about own suicidal feelings
Recent research [Gilat, I. & Shahar, G. (2007, Spring). [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17492908 Emotional first aid for a suicide crisis: Comparison between telephonic hotline and Internet] . "Psychiatry, 70(1)", 12-18. Retrieved April 2, 2008.] shows that suicide websites indeed could be more efficient in providing emotional help for people contemplating suicide than suicide hotlines. Primary reasons are asynchronous nature of discussion in newsgroups giving enough time for thoughtful response and group-based discussion that suicidal people find reassuring. High degree of anonymity is another advantage of newsgroups like ASH, allowing people to openly talk about their feelings without fear of consequences.
UK Byron Review for 2008 [http://www.dfes.gov.uk/byronreview/ Byron Review] , analyzing effects of websites on children, says that "research looking at pro-suicide sites has had mixed results. Some studies report high degrees of emotional and social support by these sites ... particularly on sites where the methods of suicide were not discussed. More studies like this are needed to begin to understand the impact of such sites on those who spontaneously choose to access them."
A point of view often expressed on ASH itself is that the existence of ASH actually prevented many deaths by allowing people considering suicide to connect with others who have the same feelings and giving them a place where they don't have to hide their true feelings.
Information on suicide methods
ASH does not censor information on suicide methods and does not prohibit such discussion.
Opponents see discussion of suicide methods as potentially endangering vulnerable people - people who would otherwise live through crisis, might commit suicide given information on lethal methods.
Supporters of open discussion state that methods information is widely and legally available;that information might prevent number of permanent injuries resulting from lack of knowledge about methods, like paracetamol overdoses.Finally, there is no indication that making such information available changed suicide rates. For example, in 1991
Final Exit was published; it was the first book giving howto on certain suicide methods. The book was for 18 weeks the number one bestsellingnonfiction book in America and has sold over a million copies [ [http://self-deliverance.blogspot.com/ Blog of Derek Humphrey] , author ofFinal Exit , old location] . At the same time, there was no remarkable increase in suicide rates. ["Suicide and Attempted Suicide: Methods and Consequences" by Geo Stone. Carroll & Graf Pub (February 1999)]Coverage of ASH in the news
The newsgroup has been a target of news reports alleging a direct relationship between "avoidable" suicides and the suicide-facilitating nature of the newsgroup and web site.
In 2003, ASH was the topic of a series of [http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/news/2003/02/57444 "Wired" articles] under the pretext of examining the group's role in the deaths of several depressed individuals. The accuracy and integrity of the articles was widely disputed by ashers [http://groups.google.com/group/alt.suicide.holiday/msg/b1c9be87f54dee0a] [http://groups.google.com/group/alt.suicide.holiday/msg/5ca4048096d0ea56] [http://groups.google.com/group/alt.suicide.holiday/msg/2c2e792c961f8801] [http://groups.google.com/group/alt.suicide.holiday/msg/ad019286990baa45] and internet media critics, e.g. [http://radio.weblogs.com/0100205/2003/02/04.html "Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog: No One Asked Why He Wanted to Die"]
ASH played some role in death of Suzy Gonzales, who killed herself in 2003 [ [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/06/08/MN114902.DTL A virtual path to suicide. San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, June 8, 2003] ] after sharing her thoughts in ASH [http://groups.google.com/group/alt.suicide.holiday/browse_thread/thread/fa79bd975fb85845/ Suzy Gonzales in ASH] . In the US, death of Suzy Gonzales lead to attempt to introduce a controversial [http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h110-940 H.R. 940: Suzanne Gonzales Suicide Prevention Act of 2007] , currently in early stages of legislative process.This law is criticized for taking predominately negative (restrictive) approach, like banning websites, instead of creation of online support resources for suicidal people.
ASH in movies
* [http://suicideholiday.filmacademie.nl alt.suicideholiday.net] - a film about suicide newsgroups inspired by A.S.H
* [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0337567/ ASH World Wide Suicide (2002) (TV)] - a documentary about ASH (available online in reduced quality via hollanddoc network [http://www.hollanddoc.nl/dossiers/39462067/ here] )References
ee also
*List of suicides External links
* [http://groups.google.com/group/alt.suicide.holiday Access ASH on Google Groups]
* [http://ash.notearthday.org/ Archive of ASH website circa 2002] :* [http://ash.notearthday.org/methods.html The Methods File]
* [http://ashbusstop.org/home.html #alt.suicide.bus.stop] :* [http://ashbusstop.org/intro.html ASBS's ASH FAQ] :* [http://ashbusstop.org/std.html The debate on suicide as a legitimate option]
* [http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/11/04/suicide.internet/ CNN.com: "Parents: Online newsgroup helped daughter commit suicide"]
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2003/apr/27/observerfocus.onlinesupplement "Sorry you're still here" Guardian (The Observer), April 27 2003] - an article about ASH
* [http://www.canlii.org/eliisa/highlight.do?language=en&searchTitle=Advanced+Search&path=/en/bc/bcsc/doc/2008/2008bcsc827/2008bcsc827.html Court judgment in 2008 defamation case between two posters, with substantial cash award]* [http://www.caslon.com.au/cybersuicidenote.htm Cybersuicide Note] - Analysis of what has variously been characterised as cybersuicide, suicide surfing, exit chat rooms and e-suicide
* [http://cyb3rcrim3.blogspot.com/2007/05/suicide.html Suicide by Susan Brenner, Law Professor] - whether ANY type of online conduct could expose someone to criminal liability for another’s suicide ?
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