

Macuiltochtli ("Five Rabbit"; from Nahuatl, "macuilli", five, "tochtli", rabbit) is one of the five deities from Aztec and other central Mexican pre-Columbian mythological traditions who, known collectively as the Ahuiateteo, symbolized excess, over-indulgence and the attendant punishments and consequences thereof. [Miller and Taube (1993), p.40.]

Macuiltochtli and the other AhuiateteoMacuilxochitl ("5 flower"), Macuilcuetzpalin ("5 lizard"), Macuilcozcacuahtli ("5 vulture"), and Macuilmalinalli ("5 grass")— bore the names of specific days in the "tonalpohualli" (Aztec/central Mexican version of the Mesoamerican 260-day calendar), where the day coefficient ("trecena") of "five" had overtones associated with excess and loss of control. Postclassic central Mexican traditions identified rabbits with the beverage pulque and insobriety, and by extension Macuiltochtli had a particular association with inebriation and excessive consumption. [Miller and Taube, "Op. Cit.", p.142.]

Macuiltochtli was also part of the of Centzon Totochtin, the four hundred rabbit which were all gods of drunkenness.

ee also

*Ometotchtli, Two Rabbit, master of the Centzon Totochtin
*Mayáhuel, foremost of the Pulque Gods
*Tepoztécatl, a Pulque god associated with Tepoztlán
*Aztec mythology



*cite book |author=Miller, Mary |authorlink=Mary Miller |coauthors=and Karl Taube |year=1993 |title=The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya |publisher=Thames and Hudson |location=London |id=ISBN 0-500-05068-6

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