

writ large.

The typical smoke generator consists of a pressurized container holding a low viscosity oil such as Chevron/Texaco "Canopus 13" (formerly "Corvus Oil"). The oil is injected into the hot exhaust manifold causing it to vaporize into a huge amount of dense white smoke.

Skywriting is never a permanent process. Wind and dispersal of the smoke cause the writing to blur, usually within a few minutes. However special "skytyping" techniques have been developed to write in the sky in a dot-matrix fashion, and are legible for longer despite the inevitable blurring effect caused by wind.

Despite its transient nature, skywriting has an obvious visual impact and can be considered a form of visual pollution.

In a 1926 letter to "The New York Times" one Albert T. Reid wrote::A newspaper paragraph says skywriting was perfected in England in 1919 and used in the United States the next year. Art Smith, who succeeded Beachey in flying exhibitions at the Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco in 1915, after the latter had been killed, did skywriting, always ending his breathtaking stunts by writing "Good night." This was not a trial exhibition but a part of every flight, and was always witnessed by thousands. ["Skywriting in 1915," "The New York Times," October 9th, 1926, p. 16]

author=Harriet Veitch|date=2006-12-02|accessdate=2008-09-17]

ee also

* Skytypers Air Show Team

External links

* [ Skytypers website.]
* [ Skywriting video.]
* [ How does skywriting and skytyping work?]


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