R. J. Stove

R. J. Stove

Robert James Stove (born 1961) is an Australian writer, editor, composer, and organist.

Born in Sydney, but currently resident in Melbourne, Stove (who graduated from Sydney University in 1985) is the author of three books: "Prince of Music" (a biography of the composer Palestrina); "The Unsleeping Eye" (a brief history of secret police from the sixteenth century to the twentieth); and "A Student's Guide to Music History", which summarizes the history of classical music from the Middle Ages to the Second World War. He has also co-edited, with James Franklin, "Cricket Versus Republicanism", a posthumously published collection of essays by his father, the philosopher David Stove.

Stove's articles have frequently appeared in "The American Conservative" (where he has been since 2005 a contributing editor), "Chronicles", "The New Criterion", "Taki's Top Drawer", "Modern Age", "National Observer", and other magazines, predominantly American. Most of his musical works have been either choral or for solo voice; several are published by Wirripang of Wollongong, New South Wales.


* R. J. Stove, "Prince of Music: Palestrina and His World" (Quakers Hill Press, Sydney, 1990) ISBN 0-7316-8792-2
* R. J. Stove, "The Unsleeping Eye: Secret Police and Their Victims" (Encounter Books, San Francisco, 2003) ISBN 1-893554-66-X
* R. J. Stove, "A Student's Guide to Music History" (ISI Books, Wilmington, Delaware, 2007) ISBN 1-933859-41-5
* R. J. Stove and James Franklin (edd), "Cricket Versus Republicanism" (Quakers Hill Press, Sydney, 1995) ISBN 0-646-21328-8
* R. J. Stove, foreword to Peter Coleman, "The Heart of James McAuley", 2nd edition (Connor Court Press, Ballan, Victoria, 2006) ISBN 0-9758015-6-2

External links

* [http://www.rjstove.com/ Official site]

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