- Kings of Gondor
This is a list of Kings of
Gondor from thefictional universe ofMiddle-earth byJ. R. R. Tolkien .The Kings of Gondor through
Amandil claimed descent from theLords of Andúnië , and from there toSilmariën and theKings of Númenor .#
Elendil , son of Amandil. He reigned titularly as High King from ME-date|SA|3320–3441. His sonsIsildur andAnárion were the co-rulers of Gondor itself (until Anárion's death in S.A. 3440.)
#Isildur officially ruled Gondor from S.A. 3441–ME-date|TA|2
#Meneldil fourth child and son of Anárion reigned T.A. 2–158
#Cemendur r. 158–238
# Eärendil r. 238–324
#Anardil r. 324–411
#Ostoher r. 411–492
#Rómendacil I (Tarostar) r. 491–541
#Turambar r. 541–667
#Atanatar I r. 667–748
#Siriondil r. 748–840
#Tarannon Falastur r. 840–913. First of the Ship-Kings, died childless. Began a policy of exploration and expansion which greatly increased the power of Gondor.
#Eärnil I r. 913–936. Nephew of Tarannon. Second of the Ship-Kings.
#Ciryandil r. 936–1015. Third of the Ship-Kings.
#Hyarmendacil I (Ciryaher) r. 1015–1149. Last of the Ship-Kings. During his reign Gondor reached the height of its power and extended from the Misty Mountains south toUmbar and from the Great Sea east of the Greenwood.
#Atanatar II Alcarin r. 1149–1226. From this point Gondor began a long decline in power and prestige, which was not halted until the reign ofElessar Telcontar at the beginning of theFourth Age .
#Narmacil I r. 1226–1294. Second childless King
#Calmacil r. 1294–1304. Younger brother of Narmacil
#* Minalcar his son ruled as Prince-regent from 1240–1304
# Minalcar was crowned asRómendacil II in 1304, reigned 1304–1366
#Valacar r. 1366–1432
# Vinitharya, crowned as Eldacar reigned 1432–1437
# Castamir usurped the throne during theKin-strife in 1437, killed in 1447
# Eldacar restored, r. 1447–1490
#Aldamir r. 1490–1540
#Hyarmendacil II (Vinyarion) r. 1540–1621
#Minardil r. 1621–1634
#Telemnar r. 1634–1636. Died in the Great Plague with all his children.
# Tarondor r. 1636–1798. Nephew of Telemnar
#Telumehtar Umbardacil r. 1798–1850
#Narmacil II r. 1850–1856
#Calimehtar r. 1856–1936
#Ondoher r. 1936–1944. Died in battle with his two sons
#*Fíriel daughter of Ondoher; wife ofArvedui , King ofArthedain . According to the ancient law ofNúmenor , she could succeed, but instead the crown was given to Eärnil
#Eärnil II r. 1945–2043. Was given the crown after a year of rule by the StewardPelendur . A descendant of Telumehtar Umbardacil
#Eärnur r. 2043–2050 (probably). Last King of Gondor
# Elessar r. Fourth Age (F.A) 1–120, was the first king of the Reunited Kingdom
#Eldarion r. F.A. 120 – ?Elendil was the first King of
Arnor and was succeeded by Isildur. Elendil ruled over both realms as High King of the Dúnedain-in-exile Isildur succeeded as High King as well upon his father's death. Isildur committed Gondor to the rule of Meneldil the son of Anárion as sole King of Gondor, but Isildur's royalty in the South-realm remained, as his line was by right High King over both Arnor and Gondor, though after Isildur's death, the realms were split. Isildur's heirs ruled Arnor and Anárion's heirs ruled Gondor.Eärnur was taken in
Minas Morgul and never seen again, and the Kingdom of Gondor was ruled by a succession of Stewards until the restoration of the line of Kings with Elessar (Aragorn ), the first king of theReunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor.External links
* [http://members.ozemail.com.au/~sdgeard/hccnum.html A History and Complete Chronology of Númenor] - A detailed chronology of Númenor, its successor states and their rulers.
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