- Primitive equations
The primitive equations are a set of nonlinear differential equations that are used to approximate global atmospheric flow and are used in most atmospheric models. They consist of three main sets of equations:
# "
Conservation of momentum ": Consisting of a form of theNavier-Stokes equations that describe hydrodynamical flow on the surface of a sphere under the assumption that vertical motion is much smaller than horizontal motion (hydrostasis) and that the fluid layer depth is small compared to the radius of the sphere
# A "Thermal energy equation": Relating the overall temperature of the system to heat sources and sinks
# A "Continuity equation ": Representing the conservation of mass.The primitive equations may be linearized to yield
Laplace's tidal equations , aneigenvalue problem from which the analytical solution to the latitudinal structure of the flow may be determined.In general, nearly all forms of the primitive equations relate the five variables ("u","v",ω,"T","W"), and their evolution over space and time.
The equations were first written down by
Vilhelm Bjerknes . [ [http://www.aip.org/history/sloan/gcm/prehistory.html Before 1955: Numerical Models and the Prehistory of AGCMs] ]Definitions
*u is the
zonal velocity (velocity in the east/west direction tangent to the sphere).
*v is themeridional velocity (velocity in the north/south direction tangent to the sphere).
*ω is the vertical velocity in isobaric coordinates
*T is thetemperature
*Φ is thegeopotential
*f is the term corresponding to theCoriolis force , and is equal to 2 Omega sin(phi), where Omega is the angular rotation rate of the Earth (2 pi/24 radians per hour), and phi is the latitude.
*R is thegas constant
*p is thepressure
*c_p is thespecific heat
*J is theheat flow per unit time per unit mass
*W is the precipatible water
*Π is theexner function
*heta is thepotential temperature Forces that cause atmospheric motion
Force s that cause atmospheric motion include thepressure gradient force,gravity , andviscous friction . Together, they create the forces that accelerate our atmosphere.The pressure gradient force causes an acceleration forcing air from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. Mathematically, this can be written as
:frac{f}{m} = frac{1}{ ho} frac{dp}{dx}.
The gravitational force accelerates objects at approximately 9.81 m/s² directly towards the center of the Earth.
The force due to viscous friction can be approximated as:
:f_r = {f over a} {1 over ho}muleft( ablacdot(mu abla v) + abla(lambda ablacdot v) ight).
Using Newton's second law, these forces (referenced in the equations above as the accelerations due to these forces) may be summed to produce an equation of motion that describes this system. This equation can be written in the form:
:frac{dv}{dt} = - (1/ ho) abla p - g(r/r) + f_{r}
:g = g_{e}
Therefore, to complete the system of equations and obtain 6 equations and 6 variables:
*frac{dv}{dt} = - (1/ ho) abla p - g(r/r) + (1/ ho)left [ ablacdot (mu abla v) + abla(lambda ablacdot v) ight]
*c_{v} frac{dT}{dt} + p frac{dalpha}{dt} = q + f
*frac{d ho}{dt} + ho ablacdot v = 0
*p = ho RTForms of the primitive equations
The precise form of the primitive equations depends on the
vertical coordinate system chosen, such aspressure coordinates ,log pressure coordinates , orsigma coordinates . Furthermore, the velocity, temperature, and geopotential variables may be decomposed into mean and perturbation components usingReynolds decomposition .Vertical pressure, cartesian tangential plane
In this form pressure is selected as the vertical coordinate and the horizontal coordinates are written for the cartesian tangential plane (i.e. a plane tangent to some point on the surface of the Earth). This form does not take the curvature of the Earth into account, but is useful for visualizing some of the physical processes involved in formulating the equations due to its relative simplicity.
Note that the capital derivatives are the
material derivative s.* the geostrophic momentum equations
::frac{Du}{Dt} - f v = -frac{partial phi}{partial x}
::frac{Dv}{Dt} + f u = -frac{partial phi}{partial y}
* the hydrostatic equation, a special case of the vertical momentum equation in which there is no background vertical acceleration.
::0 = -frac{partial phi}{partial p} - frac{R T}{p}
* the
continuity equation , connecting horizontal divergence/convergence to vertical motion under the hydrostatic approximation (dp=- ho dphi):::frac{partial u}{partial x} + frac{partial v}{partial y} + frac{partial omega}{partial p} = 0
* and the thermodynamic energy equation, a consequence of the
first law of thermodynamics ::frac{partial T}{partial t} + u frac{partial T}{partial x} + v frac{partial T}{partial y} + omega left( frac{partial T}{partial p} + frac{R T}{p c_p} ight) = frac{J}{c_p}
When a statement of the conservation of water vapor substance is included, these six equations form the basis for any numerical weather prediction scheme.
Primitive equations using sigma coordinate system, polar stereographic projection
According to the "National Weather Service Handbook No. 1 - Facsimile Products", the primitive equations can be simplified into the following equations:
* Zonal wind:::frac{partial u}{partial t} = eta v - frac{partial Phi}{partial x} - c_p heta frac{partial pi}{partial x} - zfrac{partial u}{partial sigma} - frac{partial (frac{u^2 + v^2}{2})}{partial x}
* Meridional wind:::frac{partial v}{partial t} = -eta frac{u}{v} - frac{partial Phi}{partial y} - c_p heta frac{partial pi}{partial y} - z frac{partial v}{partial sigma} - frac{partial (frac{u^2 + v^2}{2})}{partial y}
* Temperature:::frac{delta T}{partial t} = frac{partial T}{partial t} + u frac{partial T}{partial x} + v frac{partial T}{partial y} + w frac{partial T}{partial z}
The first term is equal to the change in temperature due to incoming solar radiation and outgoing longwave radiation, which changes with time throughout the day. The second, third, and fourth terms are due to advection. Additionally, the variable "T" with subscript is the change in temperature on that plane. Each "T" is actually different and related to its respective plane. This is divided by the distance between grid points to get the change in temperature with the change in distance. When multiplied by the wind velocity on that plane, the units kelvins per meter and meters per second give kelvins per second. The sum of all the changes in temperature due to motions in the x, y, and z directions give the total change in temperature with time.
* Precipitable water: ::frac{delta W}{partial t} = u frac{partial W}{partial x} + v frac{partial W}{partial y} + w frac{partial W}{partial z}
This equation and notation works in much the same way as the temperature equation. This equation describes the motion of water from one place to another at a point without taking into account water that changes form. Inside a given system, the total change in water with time is zero. However, concentrations are allowed to move with the wind.
* Pressure thickness: ::frac{partial}{partial t} frac{partial p}{partial sigma} = u frac{partial}{partial x} x frac{partial p}{partial sigma} + v frac{partial}{partial y} y frac{partial p}{partial sigma} + w frac{partial}{partial z} z frac{partial p}{partial sigma}
These simplifications make it much easier to understand what is happening in the model. Things like the temperature (potential temperature), precipitable water, and to an extent the pressure thickness simply move from one spot on the grid to another with the wind. The wind is forecast slightly differently. It uses geopotential, specific heat, the exner function "π", and change in sigma coordinate.
olution to the linearized primitive equations
analytic solution to the linearized primitive equations involves a sinusoidal oscillation in time and longitude, modulated bycoefficient s related to height and latitude.:egin{Bmatrix}u, v, phi end{Bmatrix} = egin{Bmatrix}hat u, hat v, hat phi end{Bmatrix} e^{i(s lambda + sigma t)}
where "s" and sigma are the zonal
wavenumber andangular frequency , respectively. The solution representsatmospheric waves andtides .When the coefficients are separated into their height and latitude components, the height dependence takes the form of propagating or
evanescent waves (depending on conditions), while the latitude dependence is given by theHough function s.This analytic solution is only possible when the primitive equations are linearized and simplified. Unfortunately many of these simplifications (i.e. no dissipation, isothermal atmosphere) do not correspond to conditions in the actual atmosphere. As a result, a
numerical solution which takes these factors into account is often calculated usinggeneral circulation model s andclimate models .References
*Beniston, Martin. "From Turbulence to Climate: Numerical Investigations of the Atmosphere with a Hierarchy of Models." Berlin: Springer, 1998.
*Firth, Robert. "Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorological Model Grid Construction and Accuracy." LSMSA, 2006.
*Thompson, Philip. "Numerical Weather Analysis and Prediction." New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961.
*Pielke, Roger A. "Mesoscale Meteorological Modeling." Orlando: Academic Press, Inc., 1984.
*U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service. "National Weather Service Handbook No. 1 - Facsimile Products." Washington, DC: Department of Commerce, 1979.
See also
Barometric formula
*Climate model
*Euler equations
*Fluid dynamics
*General circulation model
*Numerical weather prediction
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