Hackled orb-weaver

Hackled orb-weaver

name = Hackled orbweavers

image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Uloborus plumipes"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
subordo = Araneomorphae
superfamilia = Uloboroidea
familia = Uloboridae
familia_authority = Thorell, 1869
diversity_link = List of Uloboridae species
diversity = 18 genera, 262 species

range_map_width = 250px
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Ariston"

The hackled orbweavers (family "Uloboridae") have the special distinction of being non-venomous spiders. Their lack of poison glands is a secondary evolved trait. [http://www.tu-berlin.de/fb7/ioeb/biodiversitaet/haupt.htm Joachim Haupt] , personal communication]

All members of this family produce a feathery, fuzzy silk called cribellate (or hackled) silk.Coddington, J.A. & Levi, H.W. (1991). Systematics and Evolution of Spiders (Araneae). "Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst." 22:565-592] These spiders do not use an adhesive on their orb webs, but rather the very fine fibers on each strand of silk tend to ensnare prey. Hackled orbweaver webs often have a stabilimentum or zig-zag pattern through the center.


This family has almost worldwide distribution.There are only two species known from northern Europe: "Uloborus walckenaerius" and "Hyptiotes paradoxus".


* "Ariston" O. P-Cambridge, 1896 (Central America)
* "Astavakra" Lehtinen, 1967 (Philippines)
* "Conifaber" Opell, 1982 (South America)
* "Daramulunia" Lehtinen, 1967 (Samoa, Fiji, New Hebrides)
* "Hyptiotes" Walckenaer, 1837 (Palearctic)
* "Lubinella" Opell, 1984 (New Guinea)
* "Miagrammopes" O. P.-Cambridge, 1870 (America, Austrasia)
* "Octonoba" Opell, 1979 (Russia, Central Asia to Japan)
* "Orinomana" Strand, 1934 (South America)
* "Philoponella" Mello-Leitão, 1917 (Africa, America, Asia, Australia)
* "Polenecia" Lehtinen, 1967 (Mediterranean to Azerbaijan)
* "Purumitra" Lehtinen, 1967 (Australia, Philippines)
* "Siratoba" Opell, 1979 (USA, Mexico)
* "Sybota" Simon, 1892 (South America)
* "Tangaroa" Lehtinen, 1967 (Oceania)
* "Uloborus" Latreille, 1806 (worldwide)
* "Waitkera" Opell, 1979 (New Zealand)
* "Zosis" Walckenaer, 1842 (Pantropical)

ee also

* List of Uloboridae species
* Spider families


*Opell, B.D. (1984). "Lubinella", a new genus of Uloboridae (Arachnida, Araneae). "J. Arachnol.", 11:441-446 [http://www.biol.vt.edu/faculty/opell/site/Publicaton%20PDF%20Files/JoA%201983_v11_p441.pdf PDF]

External links

* [http://research.amnh.org/entomology/spiders/catalog/ World Spider Catalog]

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