Jural society

Jural society

A Jural society is an organized political community and a synonym of nation, state, and county. It is also a synonym for government when referring to the law-making apparatus of a particular Jural Society. A Jural Societies exist for the recognition and protection of rights. [cite web|url=http://www.hiscovenantministries.org/scripture/matters.htm|accessdate=2007-01-14|title=Matters Concerning His Lawful Assembly|work=His Covenant Ministries]

"Jural" is a legal term meaning "of or relating to Law" or "of or relating to rights and duties or obligations."

The technical legal definition of Jural Society is a body politic united under law and by mutual consent in order to deliberate and act jointly for a common purpose. A government is the totality of all such acts and offices created to carry out those acts determined and agreed upon by a Jural Society.


External links to Jural Societies and Related Reading

* [http://WashingtonJural.org/ Washington State Jural Society]
** [http://www.newswest.com/crossingline/ellensburg3.html Article on the Washington State Jural Society]
* [http://dir.yahoo.com/Government/U_S__Government/Politics/Organizations/Jural_Societies/ Yahoo Directory Of Jural Societies]
* [http://www.buildfreedom.com/portal/category.php/236 BuildFreedom's Directory of Jural Societies]
* [http://www.geocities.com/juralsocietyaz/MainPage.html Jural Society Of Torah Assemblies]
* [http://www.brainwashington.info Brainwashington.info - The Ultimate Jural Society Handbook: Restoring America]
* [http://www.ecclesia.org/truth/assembly.html Book of Hundreds for the Christ's assembly (A Jural Society Handbook)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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