- Zanoni
"Zanoni" is an 1842 novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton This piece of literature describes a fascinating story of love and
occult aspiration. The plot is as follows: Zanoni, timeless Rosicrucian brother, falls in love with Viola Pisani, promising young and beautiful singer, daughter of Pisani, misunderstood violinist in Italy. Glyndon, English gentleman loves Viola as well but his spiritual growth sees Zanoni as a master. The story develops in the days of the French Revolution in 1789.References in popular culture
* "
Ojisan Zanoni " is a novel byMichael C. Willey published by Matador in 2006. Its characters include the timelessZanoni , a herbalist and magician, who is based loosely upon Bulwer-Lytton's creation.External links
*{ http://www.andras-nagy.com/dweller.html Brief (1500 word) synopsis of the story line and explanation of the "Dweller of the Threshold""See also
Ojisan Zanoni "
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