

Saskia is a feminine name of Dutch origin, which originally meant "a Saxon woman" (alteration of "Saxia").

Notable bearers of this name include:
*Saskia Burmeister, an Australian actress
*Saskia Howard-Clarke, housemate on Big Brother UK series 6
*Saskia Linssen, Dutch model and actress
*Saskia Mulder, Dutch actress and younger sister of Karen Mulder
*Saskia Rao-de Haas, Dutch cellist based in Delhi, India
*Saskia Reeves, a British actress
*Saskia Sassen, sociologist
*Saskia Font Prenafeta, a Spanish electronic musician and singer with Soulseek Records
*Saskia van Rijswijk, Dutch Muay Thai champion and actress
*Saskia van Uylenburg, wife of famous Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn

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